A lot of the Light Mediterranean breeds handle heat well like Leghorns, Penedesencas, and Sicilian Buttercups. Personally I like Buttercups the best out of those three breeds. @The Moonshiner can tell you how great Leghorns are. And @ChickenCanoe can tell you how great Penedesencas are. :)
I was looking at Penedesencas...those dark brown eggs have me drooling! Plus, Minorca and Leghorn, too
Research the Lavender gene. You need to cross them back to Black to create splits to breed back to Lavender to maintain the quality of the feathers.

An no, I've not personally gotten birds from them, but many, many people have, and enjoyed the quality of the birds. I planned on ordering some from them, but didn't have the space when they were available and now they are practically sold out of everything I wanted.
Thank you! I will!

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