enlarged crop, clear vomit, lethargic


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2017
Hi all,
I have a RIR whos been dumpy/lethargic the past couple days. I chalked it up to heatstroke, and have been administering pedialyte orally and in the flock water. I picked her up and clear thick liquid came out of her mouth and her crop is enlarged, more so than this morning. She is drinking but just today is not interested in food, not even scratch grains.
I also tried to induce vomiting, and now making choking/gurgle sounds....... yikes!!
Is there something I can do to make her more comfortable, or should I put her out of her misery?

Thank you for any and all feedback!!
Hi all,
I have a RIR whos been dumpy/lethargic the past couple days. I chalked it up to heatstroke, and have been administering pedialyte orally and in the flock water. I picked her up and clear thick liquid came out of her mouth and her crop is enlarged, more so than this morning. She is drinking but just today is not interested in food, not even scratch grains.
I also tried to induce vomiting, and now making choking/gurgle sounds....... yikes!!
Is there something I can do to make her more comfortable, or should I put her out of her misery?

Thank you for any and all feedback!!

Hi, Is her crop hard or squishy? does it smell when she opens her mouth? a chicken will open their mouth and look like shes trying to gag but is adjusting their crop. I suspect she aspirated something from her crop into her lungs when you tried to induce vomiting... Sounds like sour crop Don't give her any food for a few days only water.
i would bring her inside and keep an eye on her. as for the gargling I'm sorry I have no idea what to do for that.

someone will give you a better idea than me on what to do.

hope your chickie will be ok.
thanks for replying! after some more researching, it does sound like sour crop so I am starting her on a miconazole treatment and hopefully that helps. some plain yogurt, too.

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