Ewe housed with goats that have mites...need advice.


10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
outside, except when I'm inside
I have a ewe that is housed with 3 goats. 2 of the goats are showing signs of mites. I have Ivermectin pour on, and applied it to my goats, however, I'm not sure if I should apply any to my ewe. I can't find any literature anywhere saying it is ok or how much to use. ( vet clinics are closed right now) I use the pour on at that rate of 1cc/20lbs and apply topically along back for the goats. Is it ok to use the same amount and product for my ewe? She is not showing any signs( that I can tell) that she has mites, but she is in constant contact with these goats. Not to mention, I don't handle her everyday, so I could very well be missing something that may be hiding under her wool. I would hate for her to have them, and reinfect everyone. I also have Ivermectin injectable. I debated using that on my affected goats for the mites, but everything I read said that pour on would work fine, and since it is less expensive and I had alot of it, I went with the pour on. I would appreciate any advice.
No one??
We have used Ivermectin on both goats and lambs. However, our vet said not to use the pour on as it is fat soluable and doesn't act fast enough to work for goats and sheep. We use the injectable and give it as a drench- 1cc/100lbs. Some DE in the bedding areas will help with the mites as well. Hope it all gets cleared up.
Thanks for the reply. Talked to the vet, and she told me to use the injectable Ivermectin as well. She told me that the pour on isn't as effective either. Hopefully this works. Thanks!

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