Exhibition Buff Orpingtons For Sale/MS


The Egg Wrangler
12 Years
Dec 13, 2007
Philadelphia, MS
After much debating I am going to offer my Exhibition Buff Orpingtons for sale. I have 6 hens and 2 roosters. They are molting right now and don't look the best but I will try and take new pics tomorrow. 4 of the hens are 13 months old and the other 2 hens and both roosters are 8 months old. These are I think some nice really big birds. These birds came from Catalpa Farms and from a breeder up north somewhere I would have to look up where they came from.

I am willing to ship but you will have to furnish the boxes and pay shipping. And it will take some of the big boxes as these are big birds. You are also more than welcome to pick them up if anyone is interested.

Only 4 hens remaining and the 2 roosters. Anyone interested before I list them on Eggbid!!!!!!

Buff Hen

Buff Rooster 8 months old and the drawer behind him is 16 inches and he is not standing up straight. Wouldn't cooperate on this tile floor. LOL

Pic of the group of Roosters about 3 weeks ago. The 2 buffs, the Splash, and the Black are 8 months and the Blue is13 months. Only the Buffs are for sale.

Pic of hens taken Jan 08

I will try to get some decent pics tomorrow between the rain showers.
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I pm you today about the roo!

I wish I could have standards cause I would love some big orps. I was taking pics today and my little buff hen is so inquisitive and friendly!
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I hate you James May!
Trade me for some of your cochins back? LOL!

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Kris, Hey yes I saw the pm you sent sorry been gone all day and just haven't answered.

I'm sorry Stacy but how in the heck could I swap with ya if ya don't want to ship the cochins and you know how much it would cost to ship these big gals. LOL and don't hate me to much, I wouldn't dream of getting rid of my blue or splash orps..

Kristen, I would like to get $150 for the group. But am open to offers.

Bama, I will try and get some new pics of them tommorow. Oh and BTW I candled the eggs I got from you and I have 1 from the eggs marked with a B growing, 3 that are M growing and I think 7 or 8 of the S growing.

I keep telling you two... ROAD TRIP!!

And we could go to the show together and the farmer's market on the way back and... and.....

I PMd you. I could come get them in the morning! Talk to me! I hope I'm not too late!!!!! I just saw this and nearly had a heart attack. I'll sing, I'll dance, but you know how I love to get started birds. The 8 month old girls have my name on them somewhere, I'm sure. Plus ++++++ I have that brand new expensive thermometer and CASH!!!!! LOL!
Stacy you know we can't take a road trip right now with all these birds and all the baby chicks and Mr. and not to mention an incubator FULL of eggs. Joe's dad would kill us if we left him to take care of all of this.

airmom will pm you.

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