Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Just got Lukes 8 month pictures done.... I can't believe how fast time has gone!

Here's my little Dude

LUKE IS SO GORGEOUS!!!! We are planning on a mow-hawk or two, the blue is a lovely touch! Thank you for sharing these, his little face made my morning
We're so excited to find out we got approved by our agency to adopt again. So we are "paper pregnant" meaning that we are waiting for baby! (could be tomorrow could be a year from now...)
I am looking out at my Partridge Plymouth Rock with her multicolored babies (kinda big babies now) and thinking- "thats gonna be me!" Last time our wait wasnt very long so I guess the universe will make this one much longer but who knows!
We're so excited to find out we got approved by our agency to adopt again. So we are "paper pregnant" meaning that we are waiting for baby! (could be tomorrow could be a year from now...)
I am looking out at my Partridge Plymouth Rock with her multicolored babies (kinda big babies now) and thinking- "thats gonna be me!" Last time our wait wasnt very long so I guess the universe will make this one much longer but who knows!

Congrats! I have always imagined the wait to be nearly unbearable for adoption because you just have no idea how long it will be. You are wonderful people for taking these children into your home and hearts, truly role models for us all

Keep us posted!
Have fun! Our church has a baby shower for all first-time moms after the baby is born (within a week or two). That way everyone knows what the baby is, how big, and also what the new mom really needs. Diapers are always a big item-I got enough to last me for 6 months when Olivia was born. Yes, we got a lot of newborn diapers-I just took the unopened packs to Walmart and exchanged them for bigger sizes that I did need. Have a good time, and get lots of pictures!
TODAY is the day of my shower! YAY! As of yesterday, my sister was sick sick sick and wasn't going to be able to make it. She is feeling a million times better and now will be there, I couldn't me happier :)
Love the mohawk in those pics! 8 months is such a fun age! Our youngest is a week older than yours. ( Also in May 2011)
My pregnancy is going okay so far. I have ultrasounds every 2 wks and we still don't know the gender yet. Stubborn little one just won't open his or her legs! The last baby was like that too. Even up until 8-9mths they kept saying " we think its a boy but he won't open up" I'm hoping to find out soon so I can start preparing. I would love to not find out until we deliver. We really considered that but we just don't have the time to go bargain shopping for all the stuff needed and I have c sections so I don't want to be walking around walmart looking for pink or blue as soon as we leave the hospital! Lol... Hubby is away at a army training for a few more mths so hopefully until then all is uneventful!

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