Experimenting with a few meat birds as pets

Got it, so free choice feed as chicks until about 4 weeks. Once a month old start restricting? I'm glad I started this thread, you guys are very helpful!
That is what I would do if I wanted to try and keep a couple. They are HUNGRY! They will not like being cut off of the unlimited feed. Let them roam in a large pasture with grass, or a compost pile if you can. They are very food-motivated and it will keep them from having leg and joint problems. They need more vitamins due to the very fast growth, and can not take much heat, either. You will have to pay close attention to them to keep them alive as a pet. Pets get a lot of attention, so go for it! I have a 26 year old parrot, I do give her a lot of attention!
Yes, the banty chicks would be separate as babies, and have free choice feed.
Lol! They would totally run circles around them! Hahah!
I think I will look into separating them, that will be easier, and work better. They can free range together when I can watch the Cornish to make sure their doing good. Thanks so much for all the tips guys!
How much should I feed the Cornish a day?
I would give them a plate of food for 15 minutes, and then pick it up. All they can eat for a short time, they will figure it out!
That is what I would do if I wanted to try and keep a couple. They are HUNGRY! They will not like being cut off of the unlimited feed. Let them roam in a large pasture with grass, or a compost pile if you can. They are very food-motivated and it will keep them from having leg and joint problems. They need more vitamins due to the very fast growth, and can not take much heat, either. You will have to pay close attention to them to keep them alive as a pet. Pets get a lot of attention, so go for it! I have a 26 year old parrot, I do give her a lot of attention!
Awesome! I have a very large yard so they can are range in the summer. Winter is harder, because of predators, but they will have an appropriately sized run as well.
You say they need expert vitamins, should I put Vitamins, electrolytes, probiotics or stuff like that in their water? I have lots of Save-A-Chick so that is easy. I can also get Nutri-Drench and other vitamins if they need it. We give our horses MSM, is that something I would want to dissolve in their water for their joints? Lol! Or am I going overboard? Hahaha! :lau
The "dog food time" method is what I do for greedy animals. Ducks, Dogs, and I would include pet Cornish in there, too. They are growing, so time is the key. They will fill up in 15 min. As they get older, they will eat more in the same time.
Then I'm assuming weight is the best way to tell if they are eating enough/to much. Who much should they weight? About as much as a regular Cornish chicken?
How about coop design? So they don't roost, then is just a coop with flat floor fine? Do they need anything special?

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