Extreme uncontrollable pooping

Well I hope the worst of it is behind her (pun). I’ve seen some incredible unbelievable massive poops come out of my egg laying hens. She’s gotta feel better after passing that. Could be from the dewormer too. Be sure and tell your vet all the dates of the dewormer. You stated from the very first post that she’s drinking water this is very good. I’d be very curious what the vet says. We’re hoping for a full recovery. Keep us posted.
Well I hope the worst of it is behind her (pun). I’ve seen some incredible unbelievable massive poops come out of my egg laying hens. She’s gotta feel better after passing that. Could be from the dewormer too. Be sure and tell your vet all the dates of the dewormer. You stated from the very first post that she’s drinking water this is very good. I’d be very curious what the vet says. We’re hoping for a full recovery. Keep us posted.
Ok, will do. I’ll post tomorrow about an update.
Is she still doing okay? Initially, I was thinking you could try to give her a poultry safe anti-diarrhetic.
Right now I would focus on getting electrolytes into her and some fast calories like NutriDrench.
She’s seems a bit more alert after drinking water, which is great. I’ve been using nutridrench, to hopefully get her to perk up. I didn’t know that was even a thing, I’ll check that out!

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