FDA claims we have no rights

if I ask if the milk has been tested and I am told no I should still be able to buy it and consume it whether fda likes it or not I grew up on goats milk the gov fools had nothing to do with I am a lot healthier then most 52 year olds
aprophet, I love your sig line.

I agree with what Wifezilla said. If you feel more comfortable eating only grocery store fare, that is your choice and freedom. If I like to buy from my neighbor because I know and trust them, that should be my choice. "Inspected" and "regulated" does not necessarily equal "safe". Actually, a decentralized food system is safer because the food is fresher, local, and there is so much more accountability when you know your grower.

Our lovely governor here in WI just vetoed the raw milk bill
I don't know what happens now. Someone here said earlier that if you want raw milk, produce it yourself. Ya know, we have 5 acres but do not have the pasture to produce grass-fed milk. I rely on a nearby farm for raw milk I cannot make here. Food choices should not be limited by the type of parcel you live on (what of apartment dwellers, suburbanites...?) Again, why is there an outright ban on raw milk? Humans have thrived on it for millenia. That it has been outlawed in so many places in recent decades is simply asinine.
I am truly sorry

Are you able to have a couple of goats? They do not require grass per say, as they are browsers, and only eat grass as a last resort.

The main reason for the ban on raw milk, is because the government does not gets its slice of the pie with it being sold directly at the farm.
And, they want to keep it centralized.
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Paula, I've thought about goats. We could manage them here. However, Dh does not like goat milk, and I must say I'm not a huge fan (goat cheese is a different story.) Is there still a musky taste if it is very very fresh? Funny, I lived on goat's milk as an infant, you'd think I'd like it
Still a raw milk outlaw until they shut down all the farmers
You may want to consider a miniature dairy cow, like a mini jersey! But beware, when you have a milk cow, she has to be milked on a schedule and it's easier if you have a miling machine and they are expensive!
Here is how you deal with goat milk.
Do not keep a buck on your property. It is generally cheaper to pay a stud fee, then it is to feed one year round.
When you milk, use this method.
Nest a smaller bucket inside a large bucket, that allows for ice to be fitted between them.
Use a real cheesecloth over the buckets to milk through.
This allows you to not have to handle the milk to much, by eliminating the need to strain.
It also keeps the milk from extra time in the air.
When you are done milking, take the milk straight to the kitchen, and pour it into quart jars.
Seal and place in a sink full of cold water.

Its the exposure to bucks, air and agitation that cause goat milk to take become musky/goaty.
Also, having a milking room/shed, that is not used for anything else really helps. Or open air milking as weather permits as well.
You want the animal oders to not build up in the room you milk in.
Milking in the barn causes the milk as its streaming out, to pick up oders.
The ladies over on Sufficient Self and Backyard herds can offer good suggestions on breeds and other things as well.
You may want to consider a miniature dairy cow, like a mini jersey! But beware, when you have a milk cow, she has to be milked on a schedule and it's easier if you have a miling machine and they are expensive!

She would still need a minimum of 3 acres of grass to rotate the cow on.
Land of the Free my arse!!

Well, I'm not suprised, but honestly... do these things even get enforced?!?! I don't think they do. At least not down here in the south.

I hope you all are writting your congressman... also check out downsizedc.org - get evolved. We need people to speak up and not just preach to the choir. There is a whole lot wrong with this country and world... and all of it can change if we all voice our true opinions and demand to not be ignored. Problem is, there are too many people who just vote for the Democrat or vote for the Republican or vote for the woman or black man... just because. KNOW who you are voting for and what they stand for and who they have worked for in the past (ie Monsanto or Tyson).

Don't get me started people. I lose alot of friends when I get started. Hurt alot of feelings.
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No, they really don't on the level being discussed here, because they don't apply to the individual. An individual can eat whatever they like. A restaurant or school must meet certain standards in what they prepare and serve. I can walk over to my neighbor's and offer a dollar for a zucchini and not be breaking any law, least of all this one. But if I were to take that zucchini and serve it in a restaurant without ensuring that zucchini meets regulations, then I would be breaking the law, for I would be putting the health of others at risk rather than just my own.
You may want to consider a miniature dairy cow, like a mini jersey! But beware, when you have a milk cow, she has to be milked on a schedule and it's easier if you have a miling machine and they are expensive!

She would still need a minimum of 3 acres of grass to rotate the cow on.

That's true...But I didn't think of that because here in So. Cal there isn't really "grazing land" due to it being so dry. We have to provide fodder in the form of hay, etc.

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