feeding Chickens Black pepper

I'm not sure exactly how I happened upon this thread, but I'm very glad I did!! We just got our 1st flock of 4 girls this past Friday at a local flea market's "Small Animal Auction" and due to our inexperience and over zealousness, we ended up with older girls in various stages of molt

We wanted to get chooks that were already laying because we thought that would be the most economical way to go for our situation (looong story lol, read some of my threads if you want to know hehe), but that backfired big time. We had one girl in the nest box yesterday, singing away and we were SURE we were getting our first egg, however, the gas company is doing work on our street and started using a jack hammer (seriously, I kid you not) and she came running out of the coop like her comb was on fire

This morning I will be giving them their treat of scrambled eggs, crushed egg shell and yogurt... COVERED in pepper!! This evening's treat of chick peas and tomatoes will also be peppered and tomorrow I will repeat and the next day and he next! I will make sure their water bucket is full and I will report back to let you know how it works out!

I WILL get eggs from these chickens, I will, I will, I WILL get eggs from these chickens!!!
Usually chickens go through a stress molt and quit laying for about 2 weeks after being moved. Of course, in my case, a braying donkey had them all shook up! Hold on, they'll lay pretty soon.
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Usually chickens go through a stress molt and quit laying for about 2 weeks after being moved. Of course, in my case, a braying donkey had them all shook up! Hold on, they'll lay pretty soon.

Thanks amenfarm! You were VERY right, our 1st egg came on 6/1 which was their 8th day here and then the next day came egg #2! 2 girls have been taking turns laying every other day. This past Sunday we got a weird egg from a 3rd girl and neither of the first 2 laid that day... (chicken solidarity?! lol), very small and brittle with complete grossness inside. We're still not sure what was in it or what it was all about, but today was a 2 EGG day, even before 10am which is early for them!!! YAY!!!

Here's a couple pics of the weird egg in case anyone has any ideas about what went wrong.

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Maybe just a lash.... Hen's reproductive tract sloughed off some tissue and it got processed like an egg. It happens. Weird eggs aren't uncommon when hens are starting to lay again after stress or a molt or the winter.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

I was lured over here by you.

I think the pepper thing is great with a few questions and comments...

1 is peppered flavor eggs might be fine for breakfast, but what about in a cake?
None of the comments indicated it did alter the flavor though.

The other things is, I actually think it's the increased consumption of water that is increasing the egg production. And therefor more effective for actual layers more than those approaching POL.

But my next question would be... Pepper isn't actually cheap per say so I guess you would maybe have to weigh the cost benefit? And although water consumption increased, I didn't see any mention of how the feed consumption changed or not. I will admit I only read the first 8 pages or so before skipping here to the end. I also have to wonder if it increases the chickens immunity as has been indicated for humans and chili consumption?
EggSighted4Life you are correct about the water consumption leading to the increase in egg production. Daddy_roo is actually my old profile from when I got my first flock. Later I went on to monitor the water intake vs eggs per day and there is a direct correlation.

Second the eggs did not have a ppepper taste. If anything they had more egg flavor but not strong egg taste. In my area the block of McCorrmick black pepper is like $3 so pepper price is not an issue for me but if it is high in your area cost would be something to cconsider. Feed consumption remained the same.

I dont know if chickens increase immunity or not. I have never considered it but I guess you could switch to chilli peppers as well. I just brought this post up as a food for thought so to speak. But thank you for taking the time to read it. I was a new chicken owner at that time but I am more experienced now but by no means an expert.
EggSighted4Life you are correct about the water consumption leading to the increase in egg production. Daddy_roo is actually my old profile from when I got my first flock. Later I went on to monitor the water intake vs eggs per day and there is a direct correlation.

Second the eggs did not have a ppepper taste. If anything they had more egg flavor but not strong egg taste. In my area the block of McCorrmick black pepper is like $3 so pepper price is not an issue for me but if it is high in your area cost would be something to cconsider. Feed consumption remained the same.

I dont know if chickens increase immunity or not. I have never considered it but I guess you could switch to chilli peppers as well. I just brought this post up as a food for thought so to speak. But thank you for taking the time to read it. I was a new chicken owner at that time but I am more experienced now but by no means an expert.
Ya, I had gathered it was your old user name. I also saw nobody thought they tasted like pepper, actually still trying to figure out if bananas and onion alter the flavor or not since that's a lot of what goes into my compost. Interesting that the consumption of water increase isn't relative to flavor in the mouth of the chicken but somehow increased metabolism of it. Seems like it could have similar health benefits to chilis, I mean like even almost flushing your system. I live in a cool environment and water consumption isn't that high. First time raising chickens in the PNW, on the coast if it hit's 70 we are dying from heat. Those days they totally drink more. Many are just coming into lay, but seems a little slow. My white leghorn still isn't laying @ 24 weeks.
The only reason I got her is because I was told she would lay at 16.
I am OK with them doing what comes natural but sheesh, freeloaders are getting pricey with 48 (some are chicks) and only 3 regular layers. All 3 of my BR were laying by that age, but one quit when I blocked off the place she tried to teach my others to hide their eggs. Now I'm thinking the days may be getting to short already.
And I use fermented feed. Way to few of layers for their ages, I think. And unless all of them have learned not to sing the egg song, I'm not suspecting hidden nests, but do keep my eyes open.

It definitely is food for thought as we head into winter. Always thought it was decrease in light. But new info leads to new thoughts and understanding!
For most water intake probably decreases in the winter, even for us humans... due to less need. But who ever would have thought that would be a key factor in egg production (makes sense now). And how many can save on their energy bills and flock stress by adding pepper instead of light?!

Glad you found your way back to BYC!
So, you actually raise Ameraucana? I like them a lot. Have 2 Lav boys on the menu and raising a (hopefully) girl that was labeled blue (from blue parents), but thinking she is probably going to stay black if I haven't started seeing lighter feathers by about 7 weeks now.
Also, I see I could buy cheaper pepper like that probably but never have because we don't go through it fast enough to not notice the degradation in flavor when cooking. But if being used for animals that wouldn't be an issue. Incidentally, I do see how spice could be used as currency back in the day. We spend lots on garlic powders and such. And food isn't the same without it. Thanks for tip of how to get it cheaper, sometimes those thought don't cross my mind right away and only considering my current source and grade quality.
Update, I just found a stash of 11 eggs from my WLH!
Finally..... but NO EGGS SONG.

This morning got 4 soft shells on the droppings board, so many of that group are at least trying to get started.
There have been a couple every day on the board.

1 mystery green egg was in that stash. Never mind the custom lay boxes that are in a safe location. Guess I might consider electrifying my fence to keep the in since the stash was out front. Crossing fences is NOT safe.
Silly girls.

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