~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)



7 Years
May 21, 2017
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Goldenfeather looked over his flock, his eyes shining with barely disguised malice. “The time has come,” he muttered so only he could hear. “The time has come for me to rule over the Island of Wings and Claws!”


Thorn Spurs walked up to the War Chief, Bramble. “Has Claw Flock launched anymore attacks?” she asked wearily.

“Yes, and lots of them. Shine, one of my best warriors, was killed.” Bramble replied, sadness and anger evident in his voice.

Thorn Spurs was shocked. “In a border fight?!” she cawed angrily.

“Goldenfeather seems to be gaining power. We need to stop this before it's too late.” Bramble clucked, his eyes alight with rage and sorrow. Shine had been his mate.

Thorn Spurs looked at the War Chief intently. “When was Sunfeather last seen?”

“Sunfeather, the leader of Claw Flock?” Bramble asked, surprised at his leader’s strange question.

“Yes, there is only one chicken named Sunfeather, you know that.” Thorn Spurs said irritably.

“Well… I don’t think any chicken has seen him. But, he is old. I wouldn’t expect him to battle.” Bramble said.

“I knew it!” Thorn Spurs said, almost to herself. She knew Sunfeather, he would never have let his son get this out of control. “Sunfeather is dead!”


Wing Flock and Claw Flock have lived on the Island of Wings and Claws for longer than any chicken can remember. For a long time, the leaders of the flocks were chosen by battle to see which chicken was the strongest. The strongest chicken then became Flock Leader. The Flock Leader was advised by the War Chief, Top Forager, Elder Herbalist, and the Top Broody. Even so, the Flock Leader was the leader of the flock and had the final say. Sometimes the Flock Leader commanded all the chickens in the flock to war with the other flock. Sometimes the Flock Leader would lead the flock so horribly that the flock would fall into disarray. One day, two brave chickens called Thorn Spurs and Sunfeather became Flock Leaders and changed the flocks forever. Instead of having the strongest chicken be the Flock Leader, they made a system of voting so that all the chickens in their flock could chose who would be the next Flock Leader. For the next eight years, the flocks lived together in peace. Then Sunfeather died. Everyone thinks its the work of a Giant-Fur, but some blame it on Wing Flock. Sunfeather’s son, Goldenfeather, was chosen as the next Flock Leader. Little did the flocks know that Goldenfeather had plans of his own… plans to rule over the Island of Wings and Claws.


Flock Leader-

The Flock Leader is the leader of the flock and has the final say on everything. They are chosen by the entire flock after the old one dies or retires. The Flock Leader is advised by the Council, which consists of the War Chief, Top Forager, Top Broody, and the Elder Herbalist. They must be one year old or older. The Flock Leader can NOT go broody or train Trainees. The Flock Leader chooses who will be in the Council. There can only be one Flock Leader.

War Chief-
The War Chief organizes chickens for patrols, war, and predator protection. They choose which Warriors will become Trainers and train Trainees. The War Chief is part of the Council. Only a Warrior can become the War Chief. There is only one War Chief, and they must be five years old or older.

Top Forager-
The Top Forager organizes foraging missions and tells the Foragers where to search for food and water. The Top Forager also advises the Flock Leader on where and when to move the flock on to better foraging grounds. They choose which Foragers will become Trainers and train Trainees. The Top Forager is part of the Council. Only a Forager can become the Top Forager. There is only one Top Forager, and they must be five years old or older.

Top Broody-
The Top Broody organizes and commands the Broodies. The Top Broody monitors the amount of eggs the Broodies are sitting on, the amount of chicks they have, if they're doing a good job hatching/raising/sitting, if theres any chicks that need help hatching, if theres any weak chicks, how many of each hens' eggs are under the Broodies, how many are hatching, etc. The Top Broody is part of the Council. Only an experienced Broody can become the Top Broody. There can be up to two Top Broodies. They must be five years old or older.

Elder Herbalist-
The Elder Herbalist is the oldest Herbalist and therefore is the most experienced. The Elder Herbalist has authority over the other Herbalists. They advise the Flock Leader on what to do if a major sickness hits the flock. The Elder Herbalist chooses which Herbalists will become Trainers and train Trainees. There is only one Elder Herbalist, and they are NOT chosen by the Flock Leader.

Warriors patrol, fight in battles, and defend their flock against predators. Warriors must be six months old or older.

Foragers find food, water, and occasionally find herbs for their flock. If a Forager finds something that the flock can eat, they will bring it to the flock if they can. If they can't, they'll get more Foragers to help them or bring some of the chickens from their flock to it. Foragers must be six months old or older.

Herbalists use herbs to heal injured chickens and cure diseases. Herbalists usually collect herbs themselves, but if they're too busy they can get Foragers to collect herbs for them. Herbalists have to be six months old or older.

Trainees are young chickens that are taught by Trainers. Trainees must be one month old or older. They get their "flock name" at three months old.

Chicks are young chickens that are taught basic survival skills by Broodies. Chicks become Trainees at one to two months old. They are called by their "chick name" until they become three month old Trainees.

Elders are chickens who are so old they can't do what their rank demands of them anymore. Elders are cared for by the rest of the flock, and Foragers (or Trainees) bring food to them.



Trainers are chickens of any rank that are chosen to train Trainees about what to do in their rank. For example: a Warrior that is selected to become a Trainer trains their Trainee how to patrol, fight, and defend their flock against predators.

Broodies are chickens of any rank (except Flock Leader, Trainees, or Chicks) that want to go broody/are broody. Sometimes, Herbalists are not allowed to go broody if they have lots of injured/sick chickens they have to treat.

Chickens can be two ranks if they want, though it might mean that they have to train longer. All chickens except Chicks are allowed to fight in battles and go out foraging. The Flock Leader cannot be two different ranks.

The Flocks

Wing Flock-

Wing Flock is mostly made up of light breeds (like bantam leghorns, sebrights, etc), but not always. The chickens of Wing Flock enjoy foraging, fighting, and roosting in the trees. Their Trainees are often trained to use their wings and flying skills in battle.

Claw Flock-
Claw Flock is mostly made up of heavier breeds (like bantam wyandottes, bantam Rhode Island reds, etc), but not always. The chickens of Claw Flock like to forage, fight, and roost on the ground. Their Trainees are often taught to use their size and power to their advantage.

Naming Information-
Chicks are often not even named until they are 2-3 days old. When chicks get their "chick name", they are usually simple names that describe the chick (like Peck, Fluff, Scratch, Whitewing, Peep, Tinyfeather, etc). Chicks won't get their "flock name" until they turn three months old. When a chicken turns three months old, it is summoned by the Flock Leader. The Flock Leader asks the chicken what its "flock name" will be, and the chicken will tell the Flock Leader and the rest of the flock.

(Please do not give your chicken a human name.)

Predators and Enemies-


Rats infest the Island of Wings and Claws. They are extremely annoying and often try to kill chicks and eat eggs. They may even be able to kill a young or unexperienced chicken.

Giant-Furs are ocelot-like creatures that hunt at night. They usually don't attack chickens if they're in a group.

Magpies are birds that eat chicken eggs and sometimes eat chicks. They also steal the chicken's food and herbs.

Wild Fowl-
Wild Fowl are Red Jungle Fowl, but the chickens of the flocks call them Wild Fowl. They are ruthless in battle, and not much else than that is known about them. Never fight a Wild Fowl without backup.

Character Form:



Reserved Characters: Thorn Spurs- leader of Wing Flock (unless you really want to play her and are an experienced RPer), Goldenfeather- leader of Claw Flock (unless you really want to play him and are an experienced RPer), Eldest Herbalist of Claw Flock


Character Page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...a-wild-chicken-roleplay-character-page.73138/
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Name: Shadow
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male
Flock: Wing Flock
Rank: War Chief
Trainer/Trainee(s): None (but if you need a Trainer he can be one)
Personality: Mysterious, cold, sometimes distant, a great strategist, always thinks before he acts, has a kind side.
Breed/Description: Bantam black australorp rooster
Siblings: Flower
Mate/Crush: Petal.... of Claw Flock
Chicks: Goldenfeather (but he doesn't know it)
History: Shadow became War Chief after the last one, Bramble, died in battle with Claw Flock. Little did his flockmates know that he had a secret...
Other: He wanted to join Claw Flock so he would be with his mate, but he didn't want to leave his sister.
Username: RoostersAreAwesome

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I'm making one. If I stop getting alerts because I haven't checked in a while for being distracted with AHAM or WOW (if it gets going again) then someone can have her.

Name: Sweet
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Flock: Wing Flock
Rank: Herbalist
Trainer/Trainee(s): Open for a trainee
Personality: Sweet, caring, but she has her snappish side.
Breed/Description: OEGB Blue Mille Fleur
Parents: Chickens
Siblings: Chickens
Mate/Crush: None
Chicks: None
History: Nothing
Other: Nothing
Username: vachick15
I'm making one. If I stop getting alerts because I haven't checked in a while for being distracted with AHAM or WOW (if it gets going again) then someone can have her.

Name: Sweet
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Flock: Wing Flock
Rank: Herbalist
Trainer/Trainee(s): Open for a trainee
Personality: Sweet, caring, but she has her snappish side.
Breed/Description: OEGB Blue Mille Fleur
Parents: Chickens
Siblings: Chickens
Mate/Crush: None
Chicks: None
History: Nothing
Other: Nothing
Username: vachick15
*makes character page*

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