~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

(So sorry! I was gone yesterday!)
Winter thought. She saw both sides points, but when it came down to it, she would stick with her brother. "I'm in." Then a commotion from the other side of camp turned her head. Are they talking about going against thornspurs too? She wondered.
Name: Rip
Age: 1 year
Gender: male
Flock: wing flock
Rank: warrior
Trainer/Trainee(s): OPEN
Personality: brave, kind, valorous, snappy, can be quite stupid
Breed/Description: bantam easter egger, has pure brown feathers with red stripes
Parents: dead killed in a battle with wing flock
Siblings: sky (Sister alive)
Mate/Crush: none
Chicks: none
History: pretty normal
Other: none
Username: @RiverStorm
It says his parents were "killed in a battle with wing flock" but it also says he's a part of Wing Flock?
Goldenfeather looked over his flock and let out a loud crow waiting for his flocks attention
Blaze strutted toward the front of the crowd of Claw flockers, then stood still, waiting for Goldenfeather to speak.
Meadow walked away from Woodspur and stood near the back of the crowd, watching Goldenfeather through narrowed eyes.
Grayfeather got up from where he was sunbathing and limped over to Goldenfeather.
Fast nervously approached Goldenfeather, followed by Tiny, who was bouncing with excitement.
(So sorry! I was gone yesterday!)
Winter thought. She saw both sides points, but when it came down to it, she would stick with her brother. "I'm in." Then a commotion from the other side of camp turned her head. Are they talking about going against thornspurs too? She wondered.
(Herb Hollow is no where near camp. That's why Blizzard chose to meet there.)

Blizzard let out a cluck of satisfaction. "Good, but we need more chickens to join us. The problem is trying to find the right chickens..." he said, going through a mental list of all the chickens in Wing Flock. Hmm, I don't think Shadow would work.... Maybe Rose? No, too loyal...

(@Rubysword @Flufferes )
Winter nodded. (I keep on messing up with that, don't I? lol.)
"Maybe some of the younger chickens, who don't have as much tunnel vision? What we really need to do is go out there and gouge their reactions to the plan."
Silverfluff sighed and sat down. "Whew, finally everybody is cared for." She looked at Stripe. "What do you wanna do now?"
Winter nodded. (I keep on messing up with that, don't I? lol.)
"Maybe some of the younger chickens, who don't have as much tunnel vision? What we really need to do is go out there and gouge their reactions to the plan."

Silverfluff sighed and sat down. "Whew, finally everybody is cared for." She looked at Stripe. "What do you wanna do now?"
"But, what if they don't like our idea? Then they'll tell Thorn Spurs we were planning a rebellion." Blizzard clucked, thinking hard. There has to be some sort of solution here!
Stripe shrugged. "My Trainers seem to have disappeared. Maybe we could practice battle moves?"
Peck nodded slowly, her gray eyes turned toward Amber. “That might work, except that we don’t know where those Claw flockers will strike next.” She stared at the ground. “Maybe... if we had a spy...” suddenly, Peck’s beak snapped shut. She had just heard a familiar cough.
Thorn Spurs stood there, her eyes going from Amber, to Phoenix, then to Peck. She coughed to reveal her presence, noticing her daughter’s beak snap shut. “What’s going on here?”

Whatever I can say to the rest of the flock, I can say to Thorn Spurs. I should have gone to her first.
Phoenix thought, steeling himself for her answer. "We were saying- mentioning that being on the defensive is just injuring our warriors without us gaining the upper hand. Um, Amber?" How does he expect me to tell my leader my idea? Is he crazy?!
Well. Umm... I was thinking that maybe this would work?" She told Thorn Spurs her idea. "I just heard them talking and mentioned it."
(Sorry I didn't post sooner!)

Whatever I can say to the rest of the flock, I can say to Thorn Spurs. I should have gone to her first.
Phoenix thought, steeling himself for her answer. "We were saying- mentioning that being on the defensive is just injuring our warriors without us gaining the upper hand. Um, Amber?" How does he expect me to tell my leader my idea? Is he crazy?!
Well. Umm... I was thinking that maybe this would work?" She told Thorn Spurs her idea. "I just heard them talking and mentioned it."
(Sorry I didn't post sooner!)
Thorn Spurs considered everything that the two young chickens had just said. "That might work..." she said, thinking out loud. "But, we don't know where Claw Flock will come into our territory. So, our best fighters might be out in the middle of the woods while our camp is attacked by Claw Flock. I'll have to think this through and consider my options." she glanced at the young hen who had suggested the plan, and said, "This is a good plan, thank you for telling me about it." the Wing Flock leader then walked away, her long spurs occasionally clicking together.
Winter pondered their quandary. "Maybe... I don't know." She sighed.
Silverfluff nodded. "That sounds good!" She glanced aroung for Dove, to make sure she didn't need her, and stifled a giggle as she saw her trainer sleeping on a pile of leftover herbs.
Winter pondered their quandary. "Maybe... I don't know." She sighed.
Silverfluff nodded. "That sounds good!" She glanced aroung for Dove, to make sure she didn't need her, and stifled a giggle as she saw her trainer sleeping on a pile of leftover herbs.
"Maybe we can find Peck to train with. She's probably really bored." Stripe suggested, looking around for his sister.
It says his parents were "killed in a battle with wing flock" but it also says he's a part of Wing Flock?

Blaze strutted toward the front of the crowd of Claw flockers, then stood still, waiting for Goldenfeather to speak.
Meadow walked away from Woodspur and stood near the back of the crowd, watching Goldenfeather through narrowed eyes.
Grayfeather got up from where he was sunbathing and limped over to Goldenfeather.
Fast nervously approached Goldenfeather, followed by Tiny, who was bouncing with excitement.

(Herb Hollow is no where near camp. That's why Blizzard chose to meet there.)

Blizzard let out a cluck of satisfaction. "Good, but we need more chickens to join us. The problem is trying to find the right chickens..." he said, going through a mental list of all the chickens in Wing Flock. Hmm, I don't think Shadow would work.... Maybe Rose? No, too loyal...

(@Rubysword @Flufferes )
(Oopps, I`ll fix that!)
River walked with Tiny and Fast. Her mind swam with thoughts, hatred, sadness, seemed to be the mix of her being.
Cold quickly gave full attention to Goldenfeather he had all intent to hear what he said.
Goldenfeather looked over his flock for a second to have full attention but also his mind was preoccupied, but he wouldn`t let that show, in order to rule first he must manipulate, he must gain strength and that didn`t just mean defeating wing flock but also earn the trust of his flock, but there were ones like River who would make that hard though, she had seen much perhaps too much, he must one day-some how get her out of the way. Then there was Woodspur and Meadow, he was not sure about them, but he would see where their loyalties lie. "Claw flock, last night we won a great victory. We defeated Wing flock with our strength and skills, something they much lack, And they withdrew giving us a easy victory. Our warriors won with the slightest of wounds if any, just scratches. And wing flock got the worst of the battle." he though for a second "This flocks strength is unsurpassed. Our warriors won the battle for claw flock,"
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