~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

Name: Rip
Age: 1 year
Gender: male
Flock: wing flock
Rank: warrior
Trainer/Trainee(s): OPEN
Personality: brave, kind, valorous, snappy, can be quite stupid
Breed/Description: bantam easter egger, has pure brown feathers with red stripes
Parents: dead killed in a battle with claw flock
Siblings: sky (Sister alive)
Mate/Crush: none
Chicks: none
History: pretty normal
Other: none
Username: @RiverStorm
(Oopps, I`ll fix that!)
River walked with Tiny and Fast. Her mind swam with thoughts, hatred, sadness, seemed to be the mix of her being.
Cold quickly gave full attention to Goldenfeather he had all intent to hear what he said.
Goldenfeather looked over his flock for a second to have full attention but also his mind was preoccupied, but he wouldn`t let that show, in order to rule first he must manipulate, he must gain strength and that didn`t just mean defeat wing flock but also earn the trust of his flock, but there were ones like River who would make that hard though, she had seen much perhaps too much, he must one day-some how get her out of the way. Then there was Woodspur and Meadow, he was not sure about them, but he would see where their loyalties lie. "Claw flock, last night we won a great victory. We defeated Wing flock with our strength and skills, something they much lack, And they withdrew giving us a easy victory. Our warriors won with the slightest of wounds if any, just scratches. And wing flock got the worst of the battle." he though for a second "This flocks strength is unsurpassed. Our warriors won the battle for claw flock,"
Tiny cheered, "Go Claw Flock!"
Fast looked at his sister worriedly but didn't say anything.
Blaze let out a proud crow. "Claw Flock is the strongest!"
Meadow also cheered, but her mind was on what Woodspur had said. Does Goldenfeather really want whats best for our flock?
Grayfeather listened to Goldenfeather in silence, thinking about how Claw Flock had been when Sunfeather had ruled.
Does anyone want to make more Claw flockers? I want to have a more even number in Claw and Wing, but I don't want to make more characters myself because I have almost half the characters in this rp...

Tiny cheered, "Go Claw Flock!"
Fast looked at his sister worriedly but didn't say anything.
Blaze let out a proud crow. "Claw Flock is the strongest!"
Meadow also cheered, but her mind was on what Woodspur had said. Does Goldenfeather really want whats best for our flock?
Grayfeather listened to Goldenfeather in silence, thinking about how Claw Flock had been when Sunfeather had ruled.
River didn`t make a sound to cheer but looked at Fast she didn`t need to say anything
Cold cheered loundly
Goldenfeather eyed his flock
Rip walked up to Winter, Storm, and Blizzard "I heard what you said I`d like to come to,"
River didn`t make a sound to cheer but looked at Fast she didn`t need to say anything
Cold cheered loundly
Goldenfeather eyed his flock
Rip walked up to Winter, Storm, and Blizzard "I heard what you said I`d like to come to,"
Blizzard jumped two feet into the air. "Where'd you come from?!" he demanded, surprised that Rip had been able to sneak up on them.
Tiny looked at Goldenfeather, admiration in her eyes.
Silverfluff nodded enthusiastically and went to find Peck.
Wintr jumped and screeched. "What the fluff?!!? Where did you come from?!?"
Stripe spotted his sister and walked up to her. "Hi, Peck!" he squeaked, which made Peck jump.
Peck whirled around and pecked Stripe in the face, hard. "Stripe! Don't do that again!" she peeped angrily.
Silverfluff stifled a giggle at Stripes bemused expression, then decided to ask her to train with them. "Would you like to practice some training moves with us, Peck? I'm not sure how much you need them though..." She trailed off, giggling again.
Silverfluff stifled a giggle at Stripes bemused expression, then decided to ask her to train with them. "Would you like to practice some training moves with us, Peck? I'm not sure how much you need them though..." She trailed off, giggling again.
Peck turned her head in Silverfluff's direction. "I'll train with you. Any chance to beat up my brother." she gave Stripe a shove. Stripe glared at her and stuck out his tongue, even though he knew she couldn't see it.

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