~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

"Claw Flock," Goldenfeather began loudly. "we were attacked in our own camp, by Wing Flock. But we defeated them. We were barely hurt while they lost much. Maybe it ruffled our feathers but we will not let this shake us. We are the stronger flock. In these fights we will always win."
He paused as he ended his speech. "Dragon and Meadow, the two of you dispose of Shadow of Wing Flock`s body. Petal I would talk to you alone. Tiny you wait nearby, I would speak to you after Petal. But first it seems we must deal with one more thing."
His eyes focused on Cold and Amethyst.
"Cold, why have you pinned Amethyst?"
Cold straightened. "I, Cold of Claw Flock, accuse, Amethyst of Claw Flock, of bringing Wing Flockers into Claw Flock camp and attacking her flock-mate, me."
Goldenfeather`s hackles raised. "Amethyst of Claw Flock, what do you have to say to this?"
Dragon nodded, though he was worried for his friend Amethyst, brave and foolish she was. He walked to Meadow. "Let's go."
"Yes, though I didn't lead them here, I did fight against you, because tyranny will not stand!" Cried Amethyst. Though she put on a brave front she was scared.
(Claw) Meadow nodded, and followed Dragon over to the body of the Wing flocker. She helped him lift Shadow by the wings and drag him out of camp. Once they were farther into the forest, she voiced what every chicken was probably thinking. "What do you think he'll do to Amethyst?"

Tiny bristled, her hackles raising slightly. "How could she betray Claw Flock for those limp-feathered weak-claws?!" she whispered angrily, but her voice shook. She had always liked Amethyst, she had been supporting and gentle to Tiny when she was an outcast chick, often picked on because of her unknown ancestry. She hoped that Goldenfeather wouldn't punish her that badly...
Winter followed Thornspurs silently. She was relieved that Blizzard was alive, but was silent. She knew how angry Thornspurs must be.

Dove arrived at Wing flock with Silverfluff and, ignoring the commotion at the return of the prodigals, began to work on her.

Serenity crept back into camp, pondering the things about tree flock she had seen.
(Wing) Thorn Spurs entered Wing Flock camp without a word. She flapped onto the bush that served as the announcement perch, and looked over the camp. It was early morning, and the chickens of Wing Flock were just getting up. That is, the chickens who hadn't went out on the ambush and the reinforcement patrol. "Rose, I need you and Maple to go and make sure Claw Flock isn't at our borders." she commanded, watching Rose herd a confused-looking Maple out of camp. She then turned back to the rest of the flock. "For any of you that didn't know, at midnight a patrol of Wing flockers went on a suicidal ambush mission meant to attack and overpower Claw Flock. Obviously, they didn't succeed, and only made Claw Flock even more sure that our existence needs to quenched." She glared down at the ambush patrol, her eyes dark. "You will each be punished, but not before Shadow comes back, so I may discuss this with him."

(Tree) Huckleberry and the rest of Tree Flock arrived in Wing Flock camp just as Thorn Spurs began her speech. She looked around uneasily, wondering when the Wing Flock leader would address her flock.

Goldenfeather sighed. "You understand this is punished by execution? You have forced me into a corner here, Amethyst."
(Claw) Apricot gasped. She had worked with Amethyst for years, and she definitely didn't want her friend killed. "Leader," she clucked, "This is a very drastic punishment for a crime as simple as a temporary lack of loyalty. Surely you can think of a better way to punish her?" She stared at Goldenfeather, lifting her head boldly. She knew that the wyandotte frowned upon weakness, so she had to act sure of herself or she would just be ignored.
(Claw) Meadow nodded, and followed Dragon over to the body of the Wing flocker. She helped him lift Shadow by the wings and drag him out of camp. Once they were farther into the forest, she voiced what every chicken was probably thinking. "What do you think he'll do to Amethyst?"

Tiny bristled, her hackles raising slightly. "How could she betray Claw Flock for those limp-feathered weak-claws?!" she whispered angrily, but her voice shook. She had always liked Amethyst, she had been supporting and gentle to Tiny when she was an outcast chick, often picked on because of her unknown ancestry. She hoped that Goldenfeather wouldn't punish her that badly...

(Wing) Thorn Spurs entered Wing Flock camp without a word. She flapped onto the bush that served as the announcement perch, and looked over the camp. It was early morning, and the chickens of Wing Flock were just getting up. That is, the chickens who hadn't went out on the ambush and the reinforcement patrol. "Rose, I need you and Maple to go and make sure Claw Flock isn't at our borders." she commanded, watching Rose herd a confused-looking Maple out of camp. She then turned back to the rest of the flock. "For any of you that didn't know, at midnight a patrol of Wing flockers went on a suicidal ambush mission meant to attack and overpower Claw Flock. Obviously, they didn't succeed, and only made Claw Flock even more sure that our existence needs to quenched." She glared down at the ambush patrol, her eyes dark. "You will each be punished, but not before Shadow comes back, so I may discuss this with him."

(Tree) Huckleberry and the rest of Tree Flock arrived in Wing Flock camp just as Thorn Spurs began her speech. She looked around uneasily, wondering when the Wing Flock leader would address her flock.

(Claw) Apricot gasped. She had worked with Amethyst for years, and she definitely didn't want her friend killed. "Leader," she clucked, "This is a very drastic punishment for a crime as simple as a temporary lack of loyalty. Surely you can think of a better way to punish her?" She stared at Goldenfeather, lifting her head boldly. She knew that the wyandotte frowned upon weakness, so she had to act sure of herself or she would just be ignored.
Rip shuffled his feet, moving his head so he could look at Thorn-Spurs with his one eye.
Goldenfeather looked at her. "Apricot, I am simply doing what I have to. Execution has always been the punishment for this kind of offense. This is what must be done."
River stared at Goldenfeather. Her face unreadable. Anger lashed over her, this was not right. If only Sunfeather hadn`t died, if only her parents had been able to tell the flock...
If only she was brave enough to tell the truth.
I re-did River and Goldenfeather. (Really I just touched them up/up-dated them since they are kinda out dated)

Name: River
Age: 2 years
Gender: female
Flock: Claw Flock
Rank: Highest ranked Warrior but not War Chief
Trainer/Trainee(s): Tiny and Fast are her Trainees. Her Trainer was Goldenfeather.
Personality: Brave, loyal, valorous, gallant, snappy, can be cold and mean, very protective of Fast and Tiny, sometimes secretive. River is very loyal to Claw Flock and would never betray it, though she disagrees with- even hates some of it`s members, mostly Goldenfeather. She and him have had a very long history with each other, starting with when she was a Trainee and he became her Trainer, eventually she figured out never to trust him. She has a hard time trusting others.
Breed/Description: Bantam Brahma mix, has brown feathers, and feathered legs,
Parents: Deceased (Killed)
Siblings: None
Mate/Crush: None and does not want one.
Chicks: None
History: Hidden
Other: Best warrior in Claw flock. She hates Goldenfeather.
Username: @RiverStorm

Name: Goldenfeather
Age: 4 years
Gender: male
Flock: Claw Flock
Rank: Leader
Trainer/Trainee(s): Grayfeather trained him. He trained River, and will soon take on another Trainee.
Personality: Evil, ruthless, cold, not trustworthy, mean, vicious, hates weakness.
Breed/Description: He is half Black Australorp (Bantam) and half Golden Wyandotte (Bantam) but he looks like a poor quality Golden Wyandotte with black leakage and a long scar on his chest that feathers never grew back over.
Parents: His parents are Shadow (Father, Wing Flock, deceased) and Petal (mother, Claw Flock) but he was raised as Sunfeather`s son, he only recently found out he is, really, Shadow`s son.
Siblings: Dead
Mate/Crush: Never
Chicks: None
History: Born to Shadow of Wing Flock and Petal of Claw Flock he was raised as Sunfeather`s son. When Sunfeather died he was elected leader by Claw Flock. Though there are many things in his past his flock does not know of... No one but River.
Other: Hidden
Username: @RiverStorm
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Goldenfeather sighed. "You understand this is punished by execution? You have forced me into a corner here, Amethyst."
"Yes," she said. She smiled and raised her head in the most annoying way possible. She would go down with a smile in her face. "It was my own fault. When I look back, I realize I did wrong, betraying my flock. I was tricked by pride, and I deserve this punishment of death, though I wish I did not, I am afraid you are right for once, Goldenfeather. Nobody act like me, by tricked by anger and pride to betray us. I was wrong." In her head she realized nothing about betraying Goldenfeather was right. "But it may sound cowardly to say it now, when it is too late, Goldenfeather is a tyrant, do not stand for this. Rise up against him! Maybe this will oppose my cause coming from the voice of a traitor, but you all should know that every thing I say, every promise I make is true." She was the most honest a bird could be, and her friends should know this was true.

(Claw) Meadow nodded, and followed Dragon over to the body of the Wing flocker. She helped him lift Shadow by the wings and drag him out of camp. Once they were farther into the forest, she voiced what every chicken was probably thinking. "What do you think he'll do to Amethyst?"

Tiny bristled, her hackles raising slightly. "How could she betray Claw Flock for those limp-feathered weak-claws?!" she whispered angrily, but her voice shook. She had always liked Amethyst, she had been supporting and gentle to Tiny when she was an outcast chick, often picked on because of her unknown ancestry. She hoped that Goldenfeather wouldn't punish her that badly...

(Wing) Thorn Spurs entered Wing Flock camp without a word. She flapped onto the bush that served as the announcement perch, and looked over the camp. It was early morning, and the chickens of Wing Flock were just getting up. That is, the chickens who hadn't went out on the ambush and the reinforcement patrol. "Rose, I need you and Maple to go and make sure Claw Flock isn't at our borders." she commanded, watching Rose herd a confused-looking Maple out of camp. She then turned back to the rest of the flock. "For any of you that didn't know, at midnight a patrol of Wing flockers went on a suicidal ambush mission meant to attack and overpower Claw Flock. Obviously, they didn't succeed, and only made Claw Flock even more sure that our existence needs to quenched." She glared down at the ambush patrol, her eyes dark. "You will each be punished, but not before Shadow comes back, so I may discuss this with him."

(Tree) Huckleberry and the rest of Tree Flock arrived in Wing Flock camp just as Thorn Spurs began her speech. She looked around uneasily, wondering when the Wing Flock leader would address her flock.

(Claw) Apricot gasped. She had worked with Amethyst for years, and she definitely didn't want her friend killed. "Leader," she clucked, "This is a very drastic punishment for a crime as simple as a temporary lack of loyalty. Surely you can think of a better way to punish her?" She stared at Goldenfeather, lifting her head boldly. She knew that the wyandotte frowned upon weakness, so she had to act sure of herself or she would just be ignored.
"Kill her," Dragon whispered. But it was his right, she had not thought, she had done the wrong thing this time. But it was all a shame. Her heart was pure, and she was very kind to everyone she met.
Obsidian was not worried about stuff, but Raven shifted her weight. What would happen to Tree Flock?

@The Angry Hen @Rubysword @LilJoe @mgbantams @CHlCK3N @AMERAUCANAS4REAL @Legendchicken @FrenchFry @Poultrybreeder
Do any of you want to make a new character or have one of your existing characters become War Chief of Wing Flock or Claw Flock? The character should preferably be 5 years old or older, and has to be a Warrior.
(no, I have too many characters for me to handle as it is.)
"Yes," she said. She smiled and raised her head in the most annoying way possible. She would go down with a smile in her face. "It was my own fault. When I look back, I realize I did wrong, betraying my flock. I was tricked by pride, and I deserve this punishment of death, though I wish I did not, I am afraid you are right for once, Goldenfeather. Nobody act like me, by tricked by anger and pride to betray us. I was wrong." In her head she realized nothing about betraying Goldenfeather was right. "But it may sound cowardly to say it now, when it is too late, Goldenfeather is a tyrant, do not stand for this. Rise up against him! Maybe this will oppose my cause coming from the voice of a traitor, but you all should know that every thing I say, every promise I make is true." She was the most honest a bird could be, and her friends should know this was true.
Cold gave a harsh peck at Amethyst as soon as she started speaking out against Goldenfeather, ripping out severing feathers.
Goldenfeather shot Cold a glare, but didn`t stop him.
He stood up tall as he could. Giving his flock a fierce stare. "You were a good flock-mate until you made a stupid and rash choice. We shall remember you." He paused for effect. "Claw Flock, on this day, I, Goldenfeather, Leader of Claw Flock, charge, Amethyst of Claw Flock with treason, to be punished by execution."
River stared at Amethyst. I can`t mentally side with either of them. Because both are right. Amethyst is right that Goldenfeather is a tyrant but she did wrong and betrayed her flock, and Goldenfeather in this punishment is yet to do too much wrong, it is the death punishment for this kind of crime. He by the laws of the flocks has the right to kill her.
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Dove thought about saying something, but decided to keep her focus on Silverfluff "Silly child." She muttered, her worry visible. She had lost a lot of blood. Dove made a poultice of broom and applied it to Silverfluffs wounds, and secured it with spiderwebs.

Serenity let out a strangled gasp. "Kill Amethyst?" she whispered.

Winter bowed her head ashamedly.

(I can try to make the war chief for Claw flock, if you'd like...)
Rip shuffled his feet, moving his head so he could look at Thorn-Spurs with his one eye.
Goldenfeather looked at her. "Apricot, I am simply doing what I have to. Execution has always been the punishment for this kind of offense. This is what must be done."
River stared at Goldenfeather. Her face unreadable. Anger lashed over her, this was not right. If only Sunfeather hadn`t died, if only her parents had been able to tell the flock...
If only she was brave enough to tell the truth.
(Wing) Thorn Spurs looked around impatiently. Where are they? Shadow and the others should be back by now...

(Claw) "That custom was made back in the old days, when the flocks didn't have order!" Apricot protested, "Surely we have evolved since then! Sunfeather never used the death penalty. Why should we start doing it now?" she gazed around at her flockmates, as if trying to encourage them to speak up. Most just looked at the ground or at Goldenfeather, any place other than her pleading eyes.
"Yes," she said. She smiled and raised her head in the most annoying way possible. She would go down with a smile in her face. "It was my own fault. When I look back, I realize I did wrong, betraying my flock. I was tricked by pride, and I deserve this punishment of death, though I wish I did not, I am afraid you are right for once, Goldenfeather. Nobody act like me, by tricked by anger and pride to betray us. I was wrong." In her head she realized nothing about betraying Goldenfeather was right. "But it may sound cowardly to say it now, when it is too late, Goldenfeather is a tyrant, do not stand for this. Rise up against him! Maybe this will oppose my cause coming from the voice of a traitor, but you all should know that every thing I say, every promise I make is true." She was the most honest a bird could be, and her friends should know this was true.

"Kill her," Dragon whispered. But it was his right, she had not thought, she had done the wrong thing this time. But it was all a shame. Her heart was pure, and she was very kind to everyone she met.
Obsidian was not worried about stuff, but Raven shifted her weight. What would happen to Tree Flock?

(no, I have too many characters for me to handle as it is.)
(Claw) Apricot stared at Amethyst in horror. How am I supposed to save her if she doesn't want to save herself?

(Claw) "What?!" exclaimed Meadow, almost dropping her burden. The flock won't let him... right? She glanced at Dragon, and noticed he didn't seem to be very concerned. She narrowed her eyes, "You think he's doing the right thing," she growled softly, it wasn't a question.

(You could use of your existing characters.)
(I don't remember who my characters are)
(You'd probably have to make a new character if you wanted to be War Chief since both are under 5 years:
Name: Dinky
Age: 1.5 yrs
Gender: Rooster (Male)
Flock: Wing Flock
Rank: Warrior
Trainer/Trainee(s): None at moment
Personality: A real gentleman, kind, thinks before he acts.
Breed/Description: White bantam cochin rooster. Is smaller than usual.
View attachment 1152605
Parents: (anyone?)
Siblings: (anyone?)
Mate/Crush: He wishes
Chicks: None
History: None
Other: None
Username: @LilJoe

Name: Gris (gray in Spanish)
Age: 2 years ( 24 moons)
Flock: Wing
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Brave. Ruthless in battle but sweet with the "ladies" (XD)
Breed/Description: Bantam Lavender Orpington
View attachment 1166405
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate/Crush: None (yet)
Chicks: None (yet
History: N/A
Other: None
Username: @LilJoe

Cold gave a harsh peck at Amethyst as soon as she started speaking out against Goldenfeather, ripping out severing feathers.
Goldenfeather shot Cold a glare, but didn`t stop him.
He stood up tall as he could. Giving his flock a fierce stare. "You were a good flock-mate until you made a stupid and rash choice. We shall remember you." He paused for effect. "Claw Flock, on this day, I, Goldenfeather, Leader of Claw Flock, charge, Amethyst of Claw Flock with treason, to be punished by execution."
River stared at Amethyst. I can`t mentally side with either of them. Because both are right. Amethyst is right that Goldenfeather is a tyrant but she did wrong and betrayed her flock, and Goldenfeather in this punishment is yet to do too much wrong, it is the death punishment for this kind of crime. He by the laws of the flocks has the right to kill her.
(Claw) A hen stepped out of the crowd, her face was dark. She looked up at Goldenfeather with cold eyes. "Would you, Leader of Claw Flock, allow me, the Warrior Python, to have the honor of punishing this traitor?"

(Claw) Apricot stared at her sister in shocked silence. But, deep down inside, she had fully expected something like this to happen.
Dove thought about saying something, but decided to keep her focus on Silverfluff "Silly child." She muttered, her worry visible. She had lost a lot of blood. Dove made a poultice of broom and applied it to Silverfluffs wounds, and secured it with spiderwebs.

Serenity let out a strangled gasp. "Kill Amethyst?" she whispered.

Winter bowed her head ashamedly.

(I can try to make the war chief for Claw flock, if you'd like...)
(Wing) Peck stood uncomfortably nearby, wondering what she could do. She didn't say anything in fear of being told to go away.

(Sure! They should probably be evil, or at least follow Goldenfeather, or he wouldn't chose them. But since Goldenfeather doesn't really care for the rules, they don't have to be 5 years old or older.)
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