Finally finished the Cozy Coop and girls won't enter it (Photo)

That's really neat.
I got mine going up and down with treats. Meal worms and strawberries. Took 2 days to go up and down. And I put a brick under the ladder to make it not so steep!! They'll come around. Love the coop!!
Maybe go to harbor freight and get a solar light to put in or around the coop. Then the chickens can see the roost. I think that you can get a solar light for under $20.00.
If you have electric near the coop, you could always put a timer light in the coop. Give them just enough time to get to the roost, then shut off the light.
This is almost exactly what I did, with the same result. I took away their feed about 2 hours before dusk. Then I filled it, right in front of their little beaks, and set it in the coop. Then sprinkled grass clippings on the ladder, and put a light in the coop, illuminating the feeder. (I have a flair for drama!

They went in with no trouble. Of course they got upset when I took away the flashlight, but they got over it in about ten minutes. The third night, I got out there late, and they'd already put themselves to bed. No trouble ever since.

Initially, they slept on the floor near the window, fearful of the dark. A few weeks later we put in a roost, and within a few days they were sleeping on the dark end of it, away from the window.

I have a coop very similar to the original poster's, and like ecopepper, put a cinder block under the foot of the ladder so it wouldn't be so steep.

Coincidentally, I've written a little piece about this and planned to post it on my own blog later in the week.

Wisconsin Garden Chick
Your coop is darling.

Can't tell from the photo, but do you have a window? If not, I'm not convinced that I'd lock them up for a few days in the dark. Sort of like solitary confinement, you know? JMO, but windows are really nice in the coop, for more reasons than just one.

They'll get it. They might need a little coaxing, but chickens are surprisingly trainable. Good luck!

PS - I haven't tried this myself, but heard that if you put DE in their feed then you won't have flies. Don't feed them too much, but worth a try if the flies are bad and bumming you out. This goes without saying, but MAKE SURE that you are only using food grade DE....
I'm wondering if you have a window or two as well. From the picture, it looks like there is TINY little vents.

If there is a window or two for plenty of day light, then close them up for a while, then let them out.

To help prevent flies, I use Stall Dry and wood pellets that dry out the poo within minutes.
There is a plexiglass window on the back side of the coop to let in some light. I have 3 vents cut in the top of the henhouse potion (4 inch circles) and covered with hardware cloth, the adjustable vent on the front, and the top portion of the henhouse (above the pop door) folds down in good weather for more ventilation and an additional roosting spot! I am thinking about adding another circular vent to the back peak area to help draw the moisture out of the coop at night when they are shut in. Is this enough or do I need more?

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