First chickens and now piglets

What upload program for pictures may I ask? Anything to make life easier...
Ours are named Jimmy and Dean, their girls.
they've had a rough start, but are doing really well now. Getting big and DH can almost smell the bacon.
Congrats on your little pigs! I have to say...we have had a great time with ours. When we got him, he was in sad shape, never wormed, intact....and was fed dog food.
So, a trip to the vet to be castrated....I bought wormer, and hog feed...he is now just about 200 pounds. We got him on the 20th of march, he weighed about 50, 150 pound weight gain in just over 6 weeks! If it wasnt for the smell of wet pig poo( we have been getting LOTs of rain here) I MIGHT be able to smell the bacon! LOL
Gwen go up to the blue border on top of this page. See where it starts with Index, User List, etc.? You will see Uploads, go there and upload your pic and how I do it as I don't know any other way, please correct me someone.. I do a "copy" and I go back twice to my post and" Paste" the pic info in and it is there for us. Real easy.
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wow, Deb, that is a huge weight gain. Hope ours does as well. I put wormer in their food this afternoon. so far they are too busy rooting to eat their slurry.
Love your pigs names. If it weren't for the fact that the boys across the road are getting piglets and naming them Pork and Chop those would have been their names.
He is looking great, I have to admit. I personally just call him PIG. My son....on the other hand calls him STEWIE!! When we went to get him, I lured him into the crate with leftover veggie stew. Now he has his son calling him Stewie! I just came in from measureing him...he should weigh about 200 pounds now. Only a few more weeks to go!!
My dear friend Ozark Hen~ You are such an inspiration to me!! I couldn't raise my chooks without you and NOW (hopefully) pigs!!! Keep posting pics and sharing your knowledge!
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Let me share a story with you, Gwen....
Years ago I carried a darling baby goat home with me for little or nothing $. I was soooo happy with her. When she grew up....I went to town one afternoon and while I was gone a summer thunder storm blew up, quite loud but short. We had a wooden screen was left open...came home to hole in the screen door and there was my goat standing in the middle of our bed chewing up magazines!!
Then one day the insurance man came with his BRAND NEW CAR...... he was sitting at the table with is back to the windows. I was facing the windows and the goat from h*ll was on top his new car...
I slipped out of the house and chased the goat off the car and never had the nerve to tell him what had happened. By the way, we never did buy that insurance. Everytime I mention goats my dh has this wild look in his eyes so I quit mentioning the word G O A T.
gig.gif much trouble as you have with predators up there I am not so sure you want a pig LOL
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