First Egg Countdown

I went out this morning and no egg yet. A couple of the nest boxes looked like there had been a chicken making a nest in it. I come home from work low and behold! My first egg from one of my buffs!

Glad I'm not alone! I keep looking but nada
I have 12...7 that are 16 weeks and 4 new girls I got 2 months ago that are 24 weeks!
interesting well whatever she is I love her and she is a sweetheart that lays pretty eggs pretty much everyday shes only missed one day thank you everyone for trying to figure out what she is!

oh what color eggs do amerucanas lay (sorry if I spelled it wrong)

I have Americauna EE's.  I was told that they lay pink, blue, and green eggs.  (Not sure if they lay brown or white)  This was our first egg, and it's green!

Congrats on the beautiful egg.

Americanas (notice the I in the spelling) otherwise known as Easter eggers can lay any color egg, including white or brown.

True Ameraucana's you can only get from a breeder and they only lay blue eggs.


She's squatting but no egg yet...... Any ideas when she will lay?

She's pretty close, it should be soon.
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Ok well I was told they were true ameraucanas so we will see when thy start laying again (they're molting almost done they squatted the other day not really sure what that means when molting so)
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Monday I found my first two eggs. 3 of my girls started laying within 2 days. I'm up to 10 eggs! I never imagined several would start as much. I think I'm going to save next weeks eggs to hatch!
Ladies and gentlemen my ee just squatted for me. I am a happy girl. I have no idea if she has layed an egg yet but I did get an orange egg today. It's not really pink or brown. It's orange. Maybe its the satsumas I've been feeding them? Nevertheless she squatted! !!!!
Ladies and gentlemen my ee just squatted for me. I am a happy girl. I have no idea if she has layed an egg yet but I did get an orange egg today. It's not really pink or brown. It's orange. Maybe its the satsumas I've been feeding them? Nevertheless she squatted! !!!!

If you have the means, post a picture please! Chooks showed a pic of an amazing purple egg, further back in the thread, but I would really love to see an orange one.

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