First Egg Countdown!!

We are on an egg watch! My hens were purchased as chicks in late February. Not sure of the exact age, but I guesstimate that on average in July they should be laying. So any time now!

Yesterday, I went to do my chicken chores in the morning. One of our next boxes was flipped on it's side. When I went around the side of the coop, I noticed a super tiny brown egg on the coop floor that had been crushed. I am assuming that one of my girls laid it & it got ruined when the box got flipped. This morning I went out & found nothing. I was expecting another egg (or two). So now I am not sure if it was the remnants of one of the egg shells I fed my girls this weekend or they laid one.

Does anyone know if they continue to lay once they start? Or do they have stop & starts when they first get to laying?
I'm waiting for my three Production Reds to start laying soon. I've had them 15 1/2 weeks now. Cleaned out the coop, put down PDZ and then fresh pine shavings - stuffed the nest boxes with a thick layer of shavings 10 days ago and began adding a little layer mash to their regular diet. Haven't noticed a change in wattle/comb color yet but will keep an eye out for that. I just learned about that change and about the submissive squat that develops so will be looking for both. I'm hoping any egg songs will not be too terribly loud as mine is a stealth coop and run. If it gets rowdy out there every morning I'll have to invest in some more windchimes or something. : )
Well again I've learned something in my chicken journey. I wasn't aware of wattle/comb color change or the submissive squat. Thanks for posting!
My production reds are now 19-20 weeks old. 2 of them now have red combs and waddles. And are slightly bigger then the other birds combs.
im so glad i found this ! this is my first time w layers girls are all 17.5 ish weeks and one has the biggest reddest comb and wattles all of a sudden ... then another then another now like at least 8 of my 14 are sporting BIGGER REDDER combs and wattles---- if this had happened ha week 5 id swear they were cockerels ! hahaha im like what the heck ? they all roost in the morning in one wooded area in my yard ... maybe i should go look for eggs? or is it still to soon ? the one "top hen " has a comb thats like bright fire red and is ribbony its so big .... her wattles swing shes huge too i never seem to have my phone on me in the yard :( sorry

i have seen them in the nest boxes lately cuz i had to put more hay in them... should i put golf balls in there now ? or wait ?
Congrats!!! It really is exciting. I can't for mine to start, my PR is on her way and I can't wait, but I never thought I'd be so excited to hear of the other people on this post getting their first eggs and all the details.

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