
12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
Well, they loved it. We let them out and they stayed within 25 feet of their coop. At times, it looked like they wanted back in, but they had a blast. They chased bugs, they ate green grass and treats. It took me and my DH about 30 minutes to catch the last of the little boogers. I wish I had a video of that.

Here are a few pics. Gumbo, the big one, is still unknown to us as far as roo or hen. Can anyone tell? He is a buff rock at least 6 months old. Anyone?




So, what do you think, roo or hen?
Thanks, Cyn, I know I keep asking, I just can't figure him/her out!!!
Oh, yeah, I forgot to say that while we were out I stayed with them the whole time, because we have a hawk that lives in a tree like 200 yards away for the coop. Well, the hawk definately spotted them, stayed up in a tree with the occational fly by squealing the whole while. I was ready for it.
We started letting our BO's range the yard early on and at first we did the roundem up thing but found that if we can wait until just before dark they will go "home" by themselves. we just have to go behind and close the door. Nice birds and range!

Vote Roo, We have one that we kept wishing wasn't !

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Hey, texaschiknrancher, I would have just let them go until dusk or time for them to go to bed, but I had to lock up my labs in the pen AND I was afraid of that hawk overhead, so I decided it was best to put them up. I have heard that if you just leave them they will go back in by themselves. I am just a paranoid chicken mom.
I'm going to have to go against the current here and say Gumbo is a hen, or at the very most a he/she.

Gumbo is tall and has a rooster-like stance, but other than that there are no pointy saddle feathers, no long tail feathers, nothing about the body at all that says roo to me. Yes, the comb and wattles are big and red, but that could be indication of an egg on the way.

Please let us know when you find out one way or the other!
You sound like the DW she stands guard with the shotgun. LOL I can remember the first couple of times we let the "girls" out B-Sue would walk after them to keep them from straying too far, and still asks where they are if she has lost track of one or two. oh yea and the first time one escaped it was like the keystone cops on silent movies

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