It’s on the tallest setting but I think they’ve pretty much outgrown it. The weather has been super weird this week! Highs in the afternoon of 90+ but super cool overnight, around 50. I felt silly turning the space heater on in the garage, but they seemed chilly this morning!

That may have something to do with the middle one jumping in the bigger bucket of water for a morning dip ... (I was worried they’d run out while I was at work since it’s so hot!) ...
You guys are the sweetest!

It was 90 today so we went for a swim after work in the pond. The middle definitely let out a few “quacks!” when I put her in the pond and left her alone while I got Big and Little.

Soooooo maybe that means we have two girls? Littlest should be a girl based on her coloring. We thought Little (middle) was lavender but perhaps she(?!) is also chocolate like Littlest?

Big sometimes sounds a little “quacky” but maybe more “honk” and like pigeon-y sounding? I have no idea!

Anyway, when I took Big into the coop to dry off (and attempt to show how to use the new nipple waterer) ... Littlest was beside herself, climbed up onto the side of the pond and ran toward Big and I in the coop.

None of them HAVE EVER done that, nor been out of a confined space (their brooder, the temporary dog run, the pond or the coop). Such a surprise!

With all the excitement I forgot to take any photos or videos, but I’m sure I’ll get a few tomorrow.

Littlest was beside herself, climbed up onto the side of the pond and ran toward Big and I in the coop.

None of them HAVE EVER done that, nor been out of a confined space (their brooder, the temporary dog run, the pond or the coop). Such a surprise!

You're in for it now. Now that Littlest knows she COULD escape, I bet she does again! I've been letting mine out into the yard while I'm home but keeping them confined to the space directly outside of their run using two pieces of wood to block them off. Yesterday, while I was inside getting dinner ready, all three realized they could hop over the wood and let themselves out into the larger yard. Then this morning, Sonia decided she wanted to roam and let herself out twice. So I guess we'll be putting up the fence this weekend!

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