fleas & dogs

Dawn Dish Soap!!!!!! Don't use the off brand stuff is HAS to be the DAWN brand!!!! give your dog a bath in the magical stuff and BAM! your fleas are dead on contact!!!
it really doens't prevent them for very long but at least your dog will be happy and itch free until you get some Flea dope!!!! I am serious!!!!
My family has been doing it for YEARS!!! try it!!!
My puppies had fleas a few years ago, I gave up on Frontline. The fleas laughed at it. I got a box of confortis, gave them each one pill for 2 months in a row, and havent seen a flea since. No one believes it when I tell them, with long haired dogs like I have. They also roam over 10 acres. I also dont have any carpet in the house, either, which I think really helps control fleas.

No fleas here!
I totally agree with you regarding carpet. I only have it in our three bedrooms, but of course, that's where the dogs always sleep! I had Lowes come out and measure, I'm pulling up the old carpet (it needs to be replaced anyway) and I am going to DE the dogs, the bedding, and the yard. Yes, we've tried DAWN dishwashing detergent but it only kills the adult fleas, not the flea eggs. So between the garlic and the DE, I hope we can finally get rid of these pesky insects! Please cross your fingers for me
Comfortis is the way to go. It's what we've used on the boys since they were old enough to start on it - 14 weeks, according to our vet.
My sisters dog has fleas and she thinks she got them from my chickens, my chickens are free range chickens. I don't see them scratching. Do chicken get the same fleas as dogs?


Yes chickens can get fleas. However, it's more likely that her dog got fleas from another dog or that fleas were dormant in the outside area she takes her dog to.

It's very easy to check your chickens for fleas and other parasites like mites. Go into their coop at night, pick up a chicken and using a flashlight, check for creepy crawlers around the vent (behind) area.
You should definetly give you pigs garlic!!! A handful of garlic on their feed each week will help keep them worm free. Garlic has been used for hundreds, most likely thousands, of years to keep pigs parasite free.

Yes chickens can get fleas. However, it's more likely that her dog got fleas from another dog or that fleas were dormant in the outside area she takes her dog to.

It's very easy to check your chickens for fleas and other parasites like mites. Go into their coop at night, pick up a chicken and using a flashlight, check for creepy crawlers around the vent (behind) area.

Chickens more commonly get sticktight fleas and I've found that they are nearly impossible to get rid of!!! I'll get them off the birds and think they are gone for good, but a couple of months later their baaaackk.

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