Found injured chicken

I have goat nutri drench is that the same? We aren’t equipped to deal with chickens, we had ducks years ago and that’s the only experience I have with birds. Also not sure if it’s a male or female.
She looks almost like my girl.
She'll heal fine. Will be blind in one eye, but it's not a death sentence for the chicken.

I have a chicken that's blind in one eye from an injury from a fight, & one that's partially blind in one eye due to an injury from chicken wire.
All of our closets are carpet and our only bathroom with a door is where the dog sleeps at night.
Is there any chance the dog can sleep in one of the closets or another room? If not, can you place the box in one of the closets. Like mentioned above, a photo of the box would be helpful.
Placing some kind of plastic over the carpet could work, then newspaper over that? I believe you can but some type of have duty plastic at hardware stores, but I'm not entirely sure.
Also, if nobody owns up to her, you can keep the chicken if you're up for it. I would get her some friends later on, too. Since you've had experience with other birds (ducks), chickens should be a piece of cake. It's your decision, but I'd say, go for it!

You can always post her on craigslist and see if the owner sees her on there, or if someone has chickens and could adopt her.
It’s about half the size of a regular dog kennel.
She should be okay in there overnight. Make sure the top is covered by something well ventilated so she doesn't escape. If you have a bigger box, that would be best.

Don't forget to dip her beak in the water/nutri-drench to encourage drinking.

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