Free Egg Incubation Software, New Release.

Computers have their own version of "Math", similar to "chicken math". Old computers never die, they just get Linux installed!
Right On! Good to see another Linux User:thumbsup

My most expensive computer cost me a whopping 35 bucks (the RPi:lau). All my others were obtained for a huge sum of $00.00, the original owners thought they where junk...Linux still runs great. In fact I do all my development on these.:caf
Right On! Good to see another Linux User:thumbsup

My most expensive computer cost me a whopping 35 bucks (the RPi:lau). All my others were obtained for a huge sum of $00.00, the original owners thought they where junk...Linux still runs great. In fact I do all my development on these.:caf
Win7 obsolete Jan '20 will increase your population of computers exponentially! I just put Peppermint Linux on an old Toshiba Laptop that was still on Win Vista. Happy guy, computer works again & it only cost him $50.00 for my time. I have a nice old Dell laptop I am going to try your program on, but I don't hatch -- yet!:hmm
Win7 obsolete Jan '20 will increase your population of computers exponentially! I just put Peppermint Linux on an old Toshiba Laptop that was still on Win Vista. Happy guy, computer works again & it only cost him $50.00 for my time. I have a nice old Dell laptop I am going to try your program on, but I don't hatch -- yet!:hmm
Plus a lot of people hate win 10 so Linux will get a huge boost as well. I have an elderly friend who has an old Dell that he only uses for simple games (no internet), recently the harddrive broke, so a $20 harddrive off eBay and Xubuntu fixed him up. He couldn't believe it.

If you look at the download stats on the SourceForge page for HatchKeeper you'll see Linux is very much a minority so another Linux user/tester would be great.
Linux is growing on my. DH had it installed on his laptop and our desktop. I still have Windows 10 on mine. I may or may not let him change it over.... We'll see. I'm kinda stuck to Windows because it's familiar lol
You can install both. You chose a system when you boot. Then you can run the old windows system for certain programs, Linux for web browsing. Older XP programs that won't run on a new computer, usually.
You can install both. You chose a system when you boot. Then you can run the old windows system for certain programs, Linux for web browsing. Older XP programs that won't run on a new computer, usually.
Dual Booting. What fun. One of my computers has 3 different operating systems on it right now. I've got a friend who had 5 or 6 different ones all the time. Talk about distro hopping:gig

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