The last of the parsley from the garden and some dill for the bunnies tonight. Maybe a couple of grapes too. The ducks are getting peas and dill. Currently investigating how to harvest carrot seeds.
Morning IM, thanks for all the pictures! Love that one of the ducks checking out the pop door :D

Sounds like there's lots to do, hope you can get it done before the worst of the heat hits!
Thanks NFC, there’s always something to do lol. They’re all set now, the fan is set up to push warm air out and their is as done as it can be for now. Just a few more things to do out there then I’m done, but I needed a break for a minute!
The bougainvillea is insane! I moved the tree limb so it forms an arch over the pop door. I don’t know what I’m going to do with that thing but I like it! I was thinking about wrapping it with a string of tiny solar lights. I went to Home Depot and bought more pavers to build steps for the ducks to get in the pool. I’m still working on a better something as a step inside the pool for them to get out but they have two options to get in now.

The barrel planter in front of the duck house has rosemary in it, it won’t kill the ducks if they eat it, but they won’t eat it. I’d like to add something tucked into the corner behind the pool and something else at the corner of the mini coop but haven’t decided what yet.

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