Finally done with chores, except putting away laundry as it comes and making dinner. Went to Home Depot today to get a few blocks so I can work on the ducks pond and came home with an oleander to replace the one that died, another rosemary bush, an artichoke start and a watermelon start.
The pond was drained and refilled, the flock got some feeder fish, and I got all the plants transplanted. The weather is relatively cool and it’s windy and cloudy with rain possible but not likely.

The squash plant has flowers on it and the luffa is really taking off. The tomatoes are getting bigger, I think it’s time to fertilize, and the lemon tree has a lot of growth with all the water it gets from the kiddie pool. In theory the lemon tree should get to 6 or 8 feet tall. The Arabian lilac is still around but I think it needs fertilizer as well, and a few things could use some mulch before the heat ramps up. I have neglected the shade garden and really need to get in there and do some work. The temps are going to be in the high 80s to low 90s this week so I’ll be out after work before the hottest part of the day doing some weeding, etc.

Our trip to the park this morning was amazing. When we got there we decided that we didn’t want to take the dogs in with a few others who were already there, so took them for a walk. We went out into a grassy spot away from the walking paths and let them off leash. If they got far we called them and they came right back. I went and got the ball and we played. People were walking on the paths, some with dogs, but Frank and Abby stayed focused on us and what we were doing. So proud of them!

Forgot we need milk so I have to go to the store. Blah.
What a busy day and what good pups! :love

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