gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!

As to the heathens playing dial a death with the incubator. I know exactly how it would be handled here...EVERYONE in the house would be punished until someone got the guts to man up about it. I will not tolerate lying period end of story.

And I mean they get nothing...no tv, no outdoors, no radio, no games, no speaking, no moving from the corner I put your happy butt in and it stays that way until someone mans up.

I refuse to ground them to their rooms...that is where the fun is. Nope they stay their butts out where I can see them, sitting in chairs on opposite corners and they LIVE that way except for school until it is confessed to. Then the individual gets their punishment for the deed.

My son is 25 now and he learned quickly that lying to me was the worse crime he could commit and he only did it once. The female tween I have however, took several times before she got a clue. Before son left home on his own if something happened while I was at work, I would walk in and immediately the guilty party would say "Mom, while you were gone this this or this happened. It is my fault, how do I fix it?"

I have also used corporal punishment for that same reason. Both of them at different times (they are 12 years apart) picked a stupid issue to lie over and stuck to their lie for over 45 minutes of grilling and logical discussion of why I knew it was him/her. My son (who was 5'9") at the time got picked up by his collar, toes barely on the floor and got my foot in his backside just before I chucked him onto his bed where he was told to remain until he could tell the truth. That was the only lie from him ever. It may seem cruel and mean but i was a single mother, 5'2" and 100 lbs soaking wet, there was no way that nearly 6' boy was going to run over me. Nope not having it.

I should mention that it did not ruin him mentally or emotionally. he was a honor society student, top 10 of his class in college and loves his mother, but harbors a healthy fear of her, especially lying to her.

But your situation...oh yeah the lot of them would be suffering right now until someone found some guts and integrity. Good luck with them.

Sorry so long and rant...brought back memories that made me chuckle.
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My parents tried that and it didn't work. My sister would do something she shouldn't, we would both get punished, but she would never confess because she did not care if I got in trouble. My little sister was evil at times!
Punishment never really worked on me as a kid. Even physical. I never didn't do something because I would get in trouble. However I never did anything just to cause trouble. We were taught what was proper behavior and while we may or may not have listened when told to do something we still would never have done anything like that. Harming an animal even as an egg or destroying someone else's hobby/property never even crossed our minds. So while I generally find most punishment to be pointless I think I'd try to stress how bad it is to have something like that happen. What hobbies do they enjoy or what are they looking forward to in the near future? Cause I'd be eliminating those things for awhile to show them how it feels. Then I'd probably be stressing care of the animals and since they actually like chores pointing out that all those animals were once eggs or unborn critters (especially if they have a favorite) and would they like it if those animals got killed then. Show that it's the same murder as killing the already hatched chickens for no reason. Logic and compassion are what got us to think about our actions and take the appropriate ones. Not punishment. The only thing I learned by punishment is how not to get caught and how to entertain yourself when staring at 4 blank walls in a room with your tv and computer taken away. I could do it for days and still be in just as good of mood as before it happened. Make me actually realize why something was wrong and not just say that it was and what could happen as a result and then I won't do it again. Take away random stuff or apply pain and I'll just try harder not to get caught.
tell them that i have a hidden camera and you know exactly who it was and if they didnt tell you why they did it right then, you would turn the footage over to the police. might work...probably wont...kids can be little demons sometimes, thats for sure.
My parents tried that and it didn't work. My sister would do something she shouldn't, we would both get punished, but she would never confess because she did not care if I got in trouble. My little sister was evil at times!


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