Good chicken breeds?

Hi I need a breed that is a good egg layer but is also really friendly for a pet to. Preferably with feathered feet. Any suggestions. Thanks
I have nine chickens. One barred rock, one white Plymouth Rock, one Road Island red, one black Australorp. Two silver laced wyandots, and three Easter Eggers. They range from a few months to two years old. And they all seem to get along great. They are all good egg layers and friendly. Easter Eggers can be variable as far as how well they lay or what color eggs they lay.

I have heard that white egg layers like a leg horn this tend to be flighty. I don't own one so I can't really give you a first-hand experience opinion.
Speckled Sussex are beautiful and friendly. EEs for green eggs, Welsummers or black copper Marans for dark eggs, Wyandottes that come in so many colors, Plymouth Rocks, and black Australorps. Mary

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