Goose ripped into by dog, breathing raspy. Need advice

HERES some info on tube feeding ducks. I imagine it would be similar for geese.
THANK YOU both! My first attempt at syringe feeding (prior to viewing the links) was an epic fail. I'm still not entirely comfortable doing this -- very afraid I'm going to cause Honk to aspirate food -- but it does seem to be going better.

Given the circumstances, how long might one expect it to take before Honk starts eating again?

What is a good antibiotic for a goose, and would it be a good idea to put him on something "just in case?"

Honk is drinking well but still shows absolutely no interest in food. I've offered everything imaginable and am taking him to the barn for a couple of hours daily so he can spend time with Tonk. Despite all of the available grass and pasture, all Honk seems to want to do is head into the barn and hang out there -- he has no interest in eating the "regular" options available in his home environment. Tonk follows Honk around (as usual) and is being protective of him (role reversal).

Assuming I can get him to eat again, how long, realistically, should I plan to keep him with me? What are the parameters (other than mitigating the dog mauling risk, obviously) for him to go home?
Congratulations on your work so far!

Now for the bumblefoot. Most definitely a bad case. If the leg is already got, you might consider antibiotics. It can go from bad to worse overnight.

1. Soak at least 20 minutes three times a day in Epsom salt water.
2. Here there are a lot of choices...
Vet for antibiotics or surgery (very expensive)
Clear iodine put over the whole swollen/black part of foot
Prid on bumble
Antibiotics on your own. There are many types. You might want to stick to those you can tube feed him since you already know how to do that. We have used augmentin (I can't remember the animal version name). We get it free from a wildlife rehab place. You can also do injections
You can also do your own surgery. we have tried this numerous times and have been about 50% successful. There are a lot of forums on how to do this and how to treat bumbles. It looks pretty bad though so you might want to consider antibiotics as your first choice
Soak In warm water and epsom salt for 5ish mins everyday you can even do twice day. After a few days the scab will soften up. This is really a 2 person job. Wrap him up in a towel so he cant flap everywhere. Secure the foot in your hand and ease the scab off make sure all the infection is out. Once the scab is off get the bleeding to stop if any. Spray with some antibacterial spray pack it with this poultice
Put a square of gauze on the wound and wrap with vet wrap and medical tape. If she picks at her foot wrap with a strip of duck tape over the vet wrap. Wrap tightly but not to tight. Put him in a seprate crate with food and water. Unwrap and redress the next day.

I picked up the only antibiotic (Bactricillin G) I could find at the local feed store. Photo attached. Does anyone know if this is safe to use in geese? If so, I could use help determining the appropriate dosage, please.

Also, how/where does one inject a goose? What is the preferred needle gauge? I have no problem injecting dogs, cats, and horses but have never done a goose.
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I can't see the whole label but it looks like Pen G Procaine. That's what we used. I used another thread to figure out the dose. I gave our ducks an injection in their breast with a 22 gauge. The solution is really thick, though, so you will needed an 18 to draw.

I'll search for the forum I used
Keep soaking and wrapping every day too. See if you can squeeze it out.

The drug is very tough on their stomach. I gave our ducks yogurt but I'm not sure if that really helped. Just make sure there is plenty of water available. Expect projectile diarrhea.

Good luck and keep us updated!

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