Goose Shenanigans

Where do I even start??

Let's see...
Chance has broke out of his jail twice...once he somehow chewed and fiddled with the latch long enough that it popped open, and the other time he just jumped and flapped over it. He's now adopted 5 teenage ducklings as his own!

BB was sitting on a nice clutch of eggs...but has since abandoned them to be the mother of these teenage ducks. @FutureMillionaire was right about the irresponsible goose mothers! 😂

Also, BB is very dominant with Chance when she's ready to mate...she's ripped out a whole patch of feathers on his back and looks as if she's going to drown him with her thunder thighs!! She's much bigger than him and is not made to be on top!

Chance does not like me, or my youngest son at all! Screams, hisses, and tries to bite us constantly. But then my husband who pays no attention to the birds is his object of affection!! He follows him around like a dog and allows him to pet and love on him! Not fair!

I know I'm not alone here...what are yall dealing with??
Fingers crossed for no goose drama this week, but Golly goes after me about 10% of the time. The rest of the time he just ignored me or comes over for love through the fence. Georgia is still sitting. They do like to come over and torment Suede and my roommate's bantam chicks when she gets off the nest.

He did almost clear the chain link fence the other night. A friend came out on the back porch with a blanket and he was so annoyed he launched from the other side of the yard. I thought he'd just do the grass skimming thing, but he actually caught some air and I had to reach over the fence to catch him by the breast and redirect him back into the yard he's supposed to be in. lol
Mine are screaming at me constantly, and trying to bite the dogs. I herd mine out of my shed when I'm in there because I can't handle the noise. :lol: They are a bit more quiet than last month, so I hope this settles soon.
The thing i loved most about my geese is that the moment the saw you there would not be a moment when the would not sit there screaming at you. Mine latest ones NEVER got into mischief. My earlier pair however did. I had a royal palm turkey tom who didn't have a lady so he would go after the goose. the gander would have none of that and beat that turkey soundly. when we butchered him(after being tired of the daily fights). he had GANGRENE that gander beat him up so much that he got gangrene.

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