Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

My early hatch is finished. 20 chicks hatched, it was a rather horrible hatch rate. Super disappointing, but the chicks are super cute!
:hugs sorry

Just candled and all 4 turkey eggs and 22 chicken eggs look good with nice veins and movement! One more week ...... wow
yay!!! good luck!

just candled my remaining 4 eggs, looks like two babies have quit on me.. could be wrong, but there's a blood ring in one egg and the other has what appears to be a bullseye. Can't upload photos yet because i use my pone flashlight for candling..
I hope they all hatch but its not looking good.. :(
:fl :fl good luck! :fl :fl

3 out of my 4 I set are looking great! One quit early.
:fl :fl
Candled my seramas and tolbunts last night.
4 Tolbunts doing great, 2 early quitters, 1 clea(hatch date Nov3)
7 seramas still going strong. They should hatch the 31-1.
***The Halloween babies I placed on the 10th are doing good. 10 out of 14. 2 clears and 2 early quitters.***
They will go on lockdown Friday!
A couple of pics from my Hallow-Candle..
31 eggs were set.. (Halloween is on the 31st)
21 eggs are growing... :wee

Out of the 10 rejections..
1 ring of death
2 quiters
7 not fertile.
I have never weighed eggs before. They seem to all have LOST weight.. from 2 to 6 grams less.
Example: one egg was 26gms before set and now 22gms on day 15.. I am new to this and puzzled to say the least.

Photos from today on day 15..

Dud carton bound
I have never weighed eggs before. They seem to all have LOST weight.. from 2 to 6 grams less.
Example: one egg was 26gms before set and now 22gms on day 15.. I am new to this and puzzled to say the least.

They are supposed to lose weight. 12-14% of the initial weight, average.

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