Harry Potter - THe Deathly Hallows

that would be fun!
Sadly, mine will probably be the only family NOT going to the movies. Why? Because my boys are purists. They do not like movies. I have to wait until they come out on video to see them.
Now my kids have been reading the books since they came out in England and I had to order them from there, before they were published here (books 1-3- thank you amazon.co.uk!).

Child #2 (who is 21 now) would literally wait the 2 weeks for the British version to arrive before he would read the story. He hated that they changed things in the American versions.

We have all the audio CDs from the UK, Stephen Fry, who reads there, is just so much better than the guy who reads here (no mis-pronounciations either). We listen to them on any trip we take even though they are all adults now. They are their favorite things to listen to. My boys know the books backward and forwards. I have to admit I do too!

I hope you all enjoy the movies! I think it was great they split the book up. There was just no way they could put everything in one 2-3 hr movie and do it any justice.
Out of curiosity were there a lot of changes from the British printings to the American ones? I know they changed the first book from "Philosopher's Stone" to "Sorcerer's Stone" which I've always found annoying. Any other changes?
A.T. Hagan :

Out of curiosity were there a lot of changes from the British printings to the American ones? I know they changed the first book from "Philosopher's Stone" to "Sorcerer's Stone" which I've always found annoying. Any other changes?

I'm curious too!​
Out of curiosity were there a lot of changes from the British printings to the American ones? I know they changed the first book from "Philosopher's Stone" to "Sorcerer's Stone" which I've always found annoying. Any other changes?

I'm curious too!

Me three! Now I'm going to have to buy the British versions to add to my collection...
Ok here is the lowdown:

The first book has the most changes, the obvious being the change in the title. The second and third have a few less. By the fourth book the changes are often minor (mostly the use of Kings English vs American English) as the books were published simultaneously by then.

What I find most offensive is that the American publisher does not give American kids credit for understanding British English. Sometimes entire sentences are changed. The American publisher changed the title of the first book because they thought American kids would be confused? Huh???

For example:

On the first page of the third book:

Harry is using a 'torch' in the British book when he does his homework under the sheet.

Harry is using a flashlight in the American book. Brits call a flashlight a torch.

For a list of the changes check out:


BTW there is also a Latin version of the Philospher's Stone and it is available in the US from amazon.

And in the UK they published adult versions of the books. These are the same books as the children's with more adult looking covers so adults could read them on the train commuting, etc. I did get all of these. For example, The Philosopher's Stone has a real steam engine on the cover.

Again - have fun tonite!!!
we will def see it, not sure if we will go to the theater. we have small kids, so they wont be seeing this one. looks pretty good tho. i wonder how long it will be before it makes it to dvd?

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