Harry Potter - THe Deathly Hallows

Just had the tickets for tonight shot to my phone- my kids had school today so I just couldn't do midnight...but we're on tonight, Boy Howdy!!
Dh and I saw it a few hours ago. It was really good. Best movie so far. I can't wait to see part 2 now!
OK I used to read 2-6 novels a week before all my strokes. I just can't seem to get through a whole book unless it's reference or how-to since then. It sucks!

I've seen all the movies, but last night would have been my first time making the 12:00 showing. I was just too tired. Then we were going to go tonight. Too tired again.

Hopefully tomorrow.

I'm even closer to 53. Matter of fact, I am 53. I still love Harry and yeah, Fred and George should be in a lot more scenes!

So since I haven't read them and I don't usually even look to find spoilers.............

Whatta ya mean Dobby and Hedwig die? Bad enough they rub out Harry, but did I miss something in the last movie where Dobby died? Or is it this movie?

Heck I have the DVDs and last one is on Demand. I better watch tonight, so I can catch up. Been a while since I watched it anyway.
Wolftracks - I'm so sorry to hear about your not being able to read any longer. I know that has to suck. I would be lost without my books.

Dobby and Hedwig both die in the last movie. (Sorry if I let the cat out of the bag - I just assume because I"ve read the last book, that everybody else has an knows what happens).
My husband and daughter and I are going tonight at 6:30. I've seen all the HP movies on opening weekend. I prefer to see these in a theater full of die-hard fans like me.
Me too !! I always go at the midnight showing....I like the excitement of being in a crowded theater with all the die-hard Potter Heads (and not a lot of little kids). I'll then go back on a weekday during the day a couple more times when it isn't as crowded so I can see what all I missed the first time.

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