Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

What a fun test group! So most of your chicks will FBCM, EE, or olive eggers? What breed are your roos?

I got the White Maran eggs from a nearby farmer. It was quite an investigation, finding someone with nice Marans within driving distance. This guy has no internet presence. I found him randomly through the chicken grapevine. This guy raises 8 breeds of Marans, and they are all beautiful! Fully feathered legs, and most of them lay pretty dark eggs. They look lighter in the picture. The White Maran eggs are the lightest eggs you see. I chose them purely because they were such pretty birds. It was super hard to choose which of the 8 colors I wanted.

My incubator is crazy full! So now I have a few things to figure out. Do I get out my old Hovabator to use as a hatcher? I'm nervous about that. I haven't had a ton of luck with it. Maybe I could split the eggs into 2 hatching groups. I guess I'll just wait and see how they look on candling day.

Top pic is Bruce, my EE. He's much older ,and much more beautiful. The bottom is Wrinkles, same, he's much older. Has a wonderful bloodline. I've never compared him to the SOP but he's great with the hens.
lol. I wish it was as simple as walking up and down our streets collecting hatching eggs from neighbors. Im not so lucky to have like minded neighbors. I do however have a family a few roads away that I noticed had silkies, I thought about knocking on their door
Think theyd find that odd.
Actually, I just picked up some fertile eggs from the grocery store. LOL. I'm going to head to Trader Joes tomorrow to see if they have fresher ones. The ones I got yesterday were collected on the 25th. Not sure if they will be worth setting. 8)

Looks like I wont be able to join in until next week. My new incubator is not expected until wednesday. 8(
I just set 8 orpinton eggs like 15 mintues ago is that close enough

I have a little brinsea mini eco and it says that it can hold 10 chicken eggs but there is 8 in there and I would be hard pressed to add 2 more eggs.
They were big , I have been dealing with serama and quail eggs for so long even my normal eating eggs are mediums so these just seem so HUGE.
I guess I might be able to push them over a little to one side and get one more in there but man how would the little buggers hatch if they all went to hatch day the would be trying to open up there little shells shoved aginst there brother and sister eggs or the sides of the bator
This looks so much diffrent then when I set 8 serama eggs
Sorry about the glare , this is what the mini looked like with the same number of serama eggs

Big diffrence I wonder how the account for size when they say chicken egg on incubators some chicken eggs are almost the size of quail eggs and some are almost the size of duck eggs.
I just set 8 orpinton eggs like 15 mintues ago is that close enough

I have a little brinsea mini eco and it says that it can hold 10 chicken eggs but there is 8 in there and I would be hard pressed to add 2 more eggs.
They were big , I have been dealing with serama and quail eggs for so long even my normal eating eggs are mediums so these just seem so HUGE.
I guess I might be able to push them over a little to one side and get one more in there but man how would the little buggers hatch if they all went to hatch day the would be trying to open up there little shells shoved aginst there brother and sister eggs or the sides of the bator
This looks so much diffrent then when I set 8 serama eggs
Sorry about the glare , this is what the mini looked like with the same number of serama eggs

Big diffrence I wonder how the account for size when they say chicken egg on incubators some chicken eggs are almost the size of quail eggs and some are almost the size of duck eggs.
I have 4/9 of your Seramas developing fabulously. Not bad considering they went clear across the country, sat on my porch in the cold for at least 8-10 hours, & I had no heat in the house for the 1st 3 days they were in the bator. 3 others started but ended about 5 days in with bloodrings. 1 had a completely demolished air cell & didn't start & 1 had a loose air cell & didn't start. Serama don't seem to like to hatch for me, so we will see what happens next week.
Originally Posted by gabrielle1976

I just set 8 orpinton eggs like 15 mintues ago is that close enough

Definitely close enough! Glad to have you with us.
I have eggs!!! Okay, so here are the ones that I've decided to put into the incubator. Black Marans, White Marans, Americauna and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. I can't wait to see what comes out of these guys. I guess I'll put them in the incubator tomorrow morning.

Ill be setting my eggs here shortly after I number them all so I can keep tabs on whos doing well during candling and who pips and hatches.

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