
Mar 25, 2019
Washington, MO
Hello everyone! My name is Tania and I live in Washington, MO. I have been wanting to raise backyard chickens for a few years now and finally decided to just do it! We got our first flock this past Saturday ( 2 RIR, 2 Ameracaunas, and 1 buff Orpington). So as of right now we have 5 babies.

I am full of questions but I am so excited to raise these girls (I hope anyways). I am mostly looking forward to the reward of having fresh eggs in return for loving and caring for these beautiful birds.

I am a licensed massage therapist and a holistic health coach. I am married to journeyman lineman and have 2 young children (5 yrs and 19 months). We live in 11.5 areas in rural Washington, MO and also have 2 heelers and 2 barn cats.

We love the outdoors, hiking, biking, UTV riding, running, camping, and boating.

I'm new to the whole chicken thing so I stumbled upon BY through a Google search to see if there would be pictures to show age progression in chicks and if I'd be able to better see if I have ended up with 5 hens or if I actually ended up with a rooster in the mix, even though they were all labeled as pullets. Thanks for having me and I look forward to this group!


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Hi Tania. I'm Tonya! Welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
The sexing guarantee for pullet chicks is typically 90% accurate. You never know if you're one of the ones who ends up with a male!
If you do end up with a cockerel, you'll want to be very careful with him around your little ones.
Have you got your coop and run all set and ready to go?
Have fun with those babies!
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No, I do not have my coop and run set up yet. I am planning to do that in the next few weeks. I'm not to certain of their ages but my BO looks like it is at least 2 to 3 weeks old and the rest were a new shipment to the store last Tuesday so...
Hi Tania. I'm Tonya! Welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
The sexing guarantee for pullet chicks is typically 90% accurate. You never know if you're one of the ones who ends up with a male!
If you do end up with a cockerel, you'll want to be very careful with him around your little ones.
Have you got your coop and run all set and ready to go?
Have fun with those babies!
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My husband made a broader box out of a huge plastic tote and cut a hole on top and attached hardware cloth to it. I out their water and food in there, elevated the water to help keep it clean.
Is that what they are in in the picture? If so, that's OK for a few days, but they will be jumping out of that soon. I'm using a bunny cage this year. It was about $34.00 at TSC. How are you keeping them warm? They need to be kept around 85 - 90F for a few more days then lower that a bit. A brooder plate is your best option, it uses way less electricity than a heat lamp. And btw: they will always find a way to poop in their water.

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