HELP!!!!! Baby chick is dying

Unfortunately Shiloh didn't make it. She just had a seizure and passed away while I was holding her:( I am of course balling my eyes out and am worried that it will happen to the rest of my little chicks. I am going to the tractor supply for meds now. I live in a small town so hopefully they have what I need..the other chicks seem fine but I do not want to lose another one to whatever illness this is.

What meds work best for cocci(?)
You guys have helped so much. At least she had a good life.. :(

One of my other chicks has dark brown runny poop that smells RELLY bad. Could this be a sign of something?? Is there anything I need to do for her?
I'm not sure but you could feed her a little plain yogurt it has good bacteria in it so if there's something not quite right maybe it could help... I would keep her separated for now just in case.
Just that one. It was so sudden, while I was cooking dinner she started acting lethargic and by the next morning she was gone :( I got them from an individual who hatches. The others are doing great! Hopefully it was just failure to thrive and the others won't get sick!

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