HELP!!!! EMERGENCY!!!!! svaing a little birds life!

Um...can't you confine the dogs or something? If they were my dogs they'd be thrown in the outdoor kennel or always on leash. The dogs are just following their instincts, it's up to you to keep them from satisfying them.

Edit: once you get the dogs confined, PLEASE put the baby back. The longer you keep it away, the less likely the parents will find it. If the parents don't come and your parents object animal rehab...then you have to just let nature take it's course.
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If the fledgling is a cowbird, it's a nest parasite. The mother deposits her egg in another (usually smaller) bird's nest. She leaves it there for the victims to raise as their own. The cowbird chick develops very quickly and hatches before the birds' actual brood. Being larger and more developed, they're always fed before their nestmates. Often, the parents' real offspring die of starvation because the cowbird hogs all the food. THe parents can also possibly (literally) work themselves to death feeding it.

When it fledges, the parents usually will not feed it further. If you want to save that fledgling, you're going to have to get help, or try to save it yourself.

You are very compassionate. Most people, including myself, wouldn't have too much concern for a fledgling cowbird. Best of luck to you.

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