HELP!!!! Exposed membrane and blood vessels!HATCHING CHICK WITH MISSING BOTTOM SHELL!

It's hard to say when to start...but if blood vessels seem to be receding and she's moving and vocalizing more.....I might start chipping away at that shell.

So you have good tools to do so?
I've found a tweezers or very small hemostat work well to grab just tiny bit of shell and break it out. Be careful not to pinch anything inside shell, keep inner part of tool just inside inner surface of shell. Hope that makes sense.

Also do you have a place set up to work on it?
I use a utility lamp on a hinged arm set low to work area to provide warmth.
Line a small dish with warm damp paper towels to put egg in.
A small 'spatula' made out of cardboard or thin plastic is good for daubing vaseline or coconut oil on the exposed membranes.

Hope that helps....Best of cLuck!..or rather Best of DUCKling!
It's hard to say when to start...but if blood vessels seem to be receding and she's moving and vocalizing more.....I might start chipping away at that shell.

So you have good tools to do so?
I've found a tweezers or very small hemostat work well to grab just tiny bit of shell and break it out. Be careful not to pinch anything inside shell, keep inner part of tool just inside inner surface of shell. Hope that makes sense.

Also do you have a place set up to work on it?
I use a utility lamp on a hinged arm set low to work area to provide warmth.
Line a small dish with warm damp paper towels to put egg in.
A small 'spatula' made out of cardboard or thin plastic is good for daubing vaseline or coconut oil on the exposed membranes.

Hope that helps....Best of cLuck!..or rather Best of DUCKling!

So, have you chipped some shell? Pics please!
There you go. I have vassaline on all the membrane ends to keep them from drying out too much
Her head and neck is all kinds of twisted! Over her right wing I think, but her neck is angled down with her head up. Right when I took the picture it looked like she was trying to push her back out but her neck looks so strained when she pushes.poor baby, but she's a fighter, she has this!


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There you go. I have vassaline on all the membrane ends to keep them from drying out too much
Her head and neck is all kinds of twisted! Over her right wing I think, but her neck is angled down with her head up. Right when I took the picture it looked like she was trying to push her back out but her neck looks so strained when she pushes.poor baby, but she's a fighter, she has this!

Looks good. She just turned to the wrong end of the shell. Biggest thing to watch now is that she doesn't try to rotate on her own, zipping is natural instinct, but could put her face in risk of drowning. I think she's gonna be fine!
Great job!! And excellent patience you showed, by the way!!
Yup! If she hasn't made much progress in probably 8-12 hours, and her blood vessels have receded then I will definitely work on those areas just a smidge.

I think she will be out before then :D
I did just happen to think about the other end. From where that membrane was exposed, it could be stuck to her inside there. So pay careful attention when she does push oit. If that end of the membrane is stuck to her bottom side, don't let her yank it off. You may have to gently work the gunk loose. You can clip some of the stuff away, just avoid any bleeders. if anything is still attached at the belly, leave as much as possible to dry up on its own.
Looks good. She just turned to the wrong end of the shell. Biggest thing to watch now is that she doesn't try to rotate on her own, zipping is natural instinct, but could put her face in risk of drowning. I think she's gonna be fine!
Great job!! And excellent patience you showed, by the way!!
What a big relief to hear!!!!
I have had my fair share of patience, and glad I could keep in now!
I had to bottle feed 4 orphaned rabbit kits that were just 10 days old, 2 died in an hour because the guy that took them from mom hadn't fed them for days, and the last two I was up for months making emergency midnight trips to Walgreens for medicine and stuff to do what I could.
My vet said there was less than 10% chance of them surviving, and refused to help me, but I had tons of patience and sleepless nights and those two made it big and strong!

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