HELP!! Friends Muscovy Ducks Freezing And Dying!!


Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 26, 2017
Southwest Idaho
My friend had 15 Muscovies and now she has 9.
They keep standing in their water tub and getting wet and then they freeze and die in the overnight temps!
I’m not sure if it’s the cold and wet or if it’s the ducks piling on each other and suffocating the ones at the bottom.
She uses a black rubber tub for their water.
I suggested to her to take their water away overnight.
Temps here are low 30s daytime and low teens at night.
How old are they? Mine get in their ice cold water rubber tubs with daytime temps in the 20s and no issues with them freezing. However, they don't have access to water at night. They are also cooped up at night to stay out of the cold.
Wow...More information needed as to housing and if straw is being used?..I have Calls and only use rubber livestock bowls for water.
That’s what she uses.
Rubber livestock bowls.
Housing is a chain link dog run under a carport/leanto on dirt...well now it’s mud.
I suggested she move the run to a dry spot and put their water bowl on the outside of the chain link so they just stick their heads through to drink instead of standing in it.
She said she would do that.
She had two in the house by a heater but kept saying one was “flopping around?” while on the phone with me yesterday afternoon.
She’s been keeping poultry for decades and has never had this kind of problem with her Muscovy ducks.
I suggested it might be something else besides the weather.
Sorry to post about it on here.
I think that was a mistake on my part.
It seems to be more complicated than I initially thought.
It’s frustrating trying to help her because she has very little resources to care for her animals.
Plus she doesn’t go on this website so I have to be the go-between.
Thanks to everyone who responded.

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