Help! have you heard of this product Rooster Booster(brand name)


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
Echo, Oregon
I found this product says- vitamins & electrolytes with lactobacillus- from TDL industries ,Inc. Laurel MT. it say for all poultry.
I have 7 just hatched cochin bantams
and I wanted to use this with them for 2 or 3 days.
has anyone heard of it or used it on chicks?
I would not want to hurt them.
Help needed
Yes I actually just bought some on eBay. I haven't used it yet, but it seems to me to be just like any other electrolyte. It says on the container it can be used for sick poultry or healthy oultry, so I'm thinking it will be fine for your babies! Have you ever smelled those children's chewable vitamins? Strangely enough this stuff smells like that! Lol. The only thing is it doesn't tell you how much to use per gallon. It says use one ounce per 16 gallons of water, but I have a one gallon waterer. Hopefully someone who has used it will post

Also, congrats on your babies!!! Post some pictures!
I buy the powdered and sprinkle it on the water... REALLY GOOD STUFF

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