HELP HELP HELP!!! incubator meltdown day 8

Is it possible to put the chick so he can see and hear the others? Chicks need others to thrive, not sure of your setup.
Thankyou, The baby is in a box inside the brooder with the others so it can constantly hear the others and chirps back at them ,but when I try to let it join them they immediately peck at the unabsorbed sac ,so I give them a few minutes together while watching to make sure they don't hurt her and once the cord falls off should be able to let them be together all the time 🙂
Oh, and trimming the bulb isn't a good idea. At this point if leaving it, there is no bleeding. You have no idea where the blood vessels are inside. I made that mistake ..once..they can surprise you with bleeding from just a small cut. Just let it dry up all the way.
I would imagine once it gets stronger and heals over it should be possible to slowly integrate back into the group. Do you think?
Iv separated chicks and ducklings a few times like this then once the problem area is completely healed put them together more everyday untill they are getting along well which normally takes about a week but it verys depending on the situation and strength progression of the problem bird.
😐 I guess, I haven't had any issue with chicks like this. But it's good to know if there ever is an issue!

I think we r all appreciative of your input and experience, thanks!
I'm gonna trim it in a day or so ,once all the blood is withdrawn,as there is still some pink suggesting blood flow in which case I would u like hate to trim it and have baby bleed out .🐥

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