HELP! My 8wk Saxony barely keeping her L eye open and has a hoarse voice (new vid )

Yeah I know it’s tough to hear but when she’s putting her face in the camera there’s some of her little raspy sounds. That was the best video I could catch all day bc my EXTREMELY loud daisy doodle is usually wherever I am and she makes it really hard to catch strudels voice with my lovely shadow behind me. Even with the volume all the way up it still isn’t capturing the sound? Shoot!
It’s that little hu
Can you separate her and get a video of just her? I am having a hard time hearing her.
Got one of her away from the crew.... let me know what you think...
She does sound hoarse. Try the Baytril, see if it helps.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me and my flock. I ordered the Baytril last night so hopefully it will be here in a couple of days. Should I bring strudel and her sister into the garage with a heat lamp for the next few days until the antibiotic comes? I’m worried about her sleeping in 35-45 degree weather. I’m already giving her ACV in her water at night, anything else I should do?
How's she doing? Did the Baytril come?
Hi! No still no baytril, I’m hoping it gets her tomorrow. Her eye is totally normal again so other than her hoarse voice she’s acting fine. Eating, drinking, playing in the water. We were afraid maybe she had something stuck in her throat and massaged what felt like something after giving her olive oil and my BF said it felt like something broke up and went down. Still hoarse and no quack still this morning. So kinda at a loss about what actually is causing this. She did used to have a strong loud quack. Do you think baytril will help if there’s some kind of underlying infection?
How's she doing? Did the Baytril come?
I’m almost convinced it’s something in her throat but I can’t feel anything. This is how she’s sitting with her neck today. Should we try giving her more olive oil?
I’m almost convinced it’s something in her throat but I can’t feel anything. This is how she’s sitting with her neck today. Should we try giving her more olive oil?
No more oil. If she accidentally aspirates (inhales) any oil she could get lipoid pneumonia, which would almost certainly be fatal. Do you have a food or postal scale that you can weigh her on? I think it would be a good idea to start tracking her weight.
No more oil. If she accidentally aspirates (inhales) any oil she could get lipoid pneumonia, which would almost certainly be fatal. Do you have a food or postal scale that you can weigh her on? I think it would be a good idea to start tracking her weight.
I agree, we weighed her the other night so we have a baseline. She just gobbled up a handful or cat treats and is drinking water, swimming, preening. It’s been INCREDIBLY muddy with the amount of rain we’ve had and we were not as prepared as we thought we were and it’s been incredibly muddy. How do I check her crop? I want to be able to tell whether it’s emptying or if it’s staying full. I also wondered if she has a mass of wet grass that’s caught? Should I give grit bc there’s essentially no more dirt left ( just mud) . Thank you for listening to my questions and helping guide me.
( as you can see in the above pictures we just did a total clean of the muddy run and you can finally see grass again)
agree, we weighed her the other night so we have a baseline. She just gobbled up a handful or cat treats and is drinking water, swimming, preening.
That's a good sign.
How do I check her crop? I want to be able to tell whether it’s emptying or if it’s staying full.
The crop is on their right side and looks like this:
duck crop_1.png

Start with your white duck and see what normal feels like. Feel the areas that the arrows point to.

duck profile neck palpate.png

I also wondered if she has a mass of wet grass that’s caught?
If she has grass you should be able to feel that.
Should I give grit bc there’s essentially no more dirt left ( just mud) .
Grit should not be given if you think there is something in her crop. Grit is for the gizzard and I bet she still has little rocks in her gizzard.
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