Help! My quails are attacking each other!

Okay. My ideas are too only keep 4 which include the three I have already and either way or sell the rest of the eggs.
Four is a good number. Your choice of either one or zero cocks, and the rest hens. You don't need a cock to get eggs. Some hens lay better if you have a cock. Some hens, especially if you have an overzealous cock, lay better WITHOUT. You'll need at minimum 5 square feet of FLOOR space for a flock of four, one foot for each bird plus room to place food, water & a shoebox sized box of sand that will be used as both grit and for grooming.
My quail pens are only 2x3' and house 8-9 birds each. I make up the lacking floor space by adding a second floor that they can hop up to (they won't use ramps and they won't fly up), and I put their groceries and sand box on the second tier. This opens up all of the floor space below for running, hopping and doing quail stuff.
x2 Fishkeeper :)

My hens make a certain call when they're laying eggs. It is a soft, yet distinctive sound that I call the "Oh This Hurts" sound that typically starts a minute or two before the egg arrives.
our quail do that to we call it the "fireworks noise" because it sounds like fireworks before they explode.

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