Help! Rescue Rooster flying away!

Good advise. Roosters have wondering eyes and no rooster of my acquaintance will voluntarily deprive himself of female companionship except when he is put under hack by a more powerful or war like rooster. Your rooster IMHO is not a rooster but rather a cockerel (look at his spurs) who is looking for a flock where he fits in and where he is able to impress the ladies.

Unfortunately all a rooster knows about home is that home is where his heart or other un-named body parts are.:love

Rooster vs cockerel?
Rooster vs cockerel?

In a full grown rooster the spurs ca n be as long as the individual toes.

As for the differences between a cockerel and a rooster, the main one is age. A rooster is one year or older, a cockerel is less than one year old.

The other main difference is the bird's fertility. As well as most cockerels being less competent in mating.

I suppose the difference between the two is mostly like comparing a teenage boy to a full grown man. Raging hormones cause differences of that sort in most species I think.
In a full grown rooster the spurs ca n be as long as the individual toes.

As for the differences between a cockerel and a rooster, the main one is age. A rooster is one year or older, a cockerel is less than one year old.

The other main difference is the bird's fertility. As well as most cockerels being less competent in mating.

I suppose the difference between the two is mostly like comparing a teenage boy to a full grown man. Raging hormones cause differences of that sort in most species I think.

Ahhh okay! Thank you for the knowledge ! He is a cockerel, only about 3 months
Not a problem.

Sometimes I think there should be a thread maintained as a glossary of terms and acronyms.

Maybe, I can figure out a way to do that.... Unless someone beats me to it of course....
Definitely not a bad idea because I googled it first before asking and didn’t find anything. Get on that!
Rooster vs cockerel?
A cockerel is a young male chicken until he reaches one year old. A rooster is a male chicken older than one year.
A pullet is a young female until she reaches one year old. A hen is a female chicken older than one year.
Some sources will call a young female a pullet until she starts laying and laying smaller eggs (pullet Eggs). As the eggs get larger then the female is referred to as a hen. The same can apply to cockerels and roosters depending on the source. Some sources call a male chicken a cockerel until he becomes sexually active and then he is referred to as a rooster or cock.

Put the rescue hen in with him and they are both so happy!!! Neither of them even bother coming out when I open the door :D

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