You'll really have to monitor in the morning if she is able to poop more or less normally because if she still isn't... that's a real emergency.

How do you use that? That’s crazy never heard that before

As I said, the information can be found in the first maybe one hundred google links:lau

I was skeptical too, but I used it and my hen's insides went back in. If I would have posted here a picture, I would have had a gaggle of cullers after me telling me to cull, cull, cull.

I'll help you identify the tree and prepare the concoction if you want, but maybe just the coconut oil will work.
You'll really have to monitor in the morning if she is able to poop more or less normally because if she still isn't... that's a real emergency.

As I said, the information can be found in the first maybe one hundred google links:lau

I was skeptical too, but I used it and my hen's insides went back in. If I would have posted here a picture, I would have had a gaggle of cullers after me telling me to cull, cull, cull.

I'll help you identify the tree and prepare the concoction if you want, but maybe just the coconut oil will work.
Yes I will definitely check on her in the morning once I’m up and look for droppings and see how the vent looks and if she’s straining etc, if she still isn’t passing droppings what should I go about doing for her? I hate seeing her this way she’s my baby, I own many many birds but this turkey is dear to my heart
It is good that you got most of the prolapse tissue back inside. The main thing when there is a prolapse is to keep the red tissue moist when it is outside the body or it will dry out and die. Then check inside for an egg which youd die. Then push it back inside and hold it there. Many times it will come back out, especially if they poop or try to lay an egg.

Give her some calcium (human calcium tablet or Tums) with some feed or egg. That can help if she has an egg coming. You may want to stop her from laying, but since she has not laid all winter, just watch. To stop them, it takes about 3 days, of keeping them in a dark cage or room for 16 hours every night, then letting them have 8 hours a day to walk around, eat and drink. Always keep a prolapsed hen away from others, so the prolapse does not attract pecking and get damaged. Hopefully, your turkey will recover. Keep the prolapse pushed in, the vent clean, and put oil of the prolapse if it comes out.

I live on the east coast, and I don’t see threads late at night. Many BYCers are asleep after 7 pm on the west coast, so there may not be many people responding to posts. It is good that you got some help.
It's morning in California. How is the hen?

Remember, not all oils are equal, or interchangeable. The best is unrefined, virgin, cold pressed coconut oil. This is the one that should be kept around, stored in the fridge, for feathered friend emergencies.
Why has nobody mentioned putting sugar on the prolapse? Is that, like, not acceptable prolapse treatment anymore? I'm willing to bet the OP prpbably has some on hand and it has been proven to help prolapse problems in many species.

The sugar will help the swelling go down so the prolapse stays when you push it back in.
Why has nobody mentioned putting sugar on the prolapse? Is that, like, not acceptable prolapse treatment anymore? I'm willing to bet the OP prpbably has some on hand and it has been proven to help prolapse problems in many species.

The sugar will help the swelling go down so the prolapse stays when you push it back in.
That's a very good thing to know. I didn't suggest it because I had no idea :D

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