Here's one of the freaks!

I've got it. A strage roo is coming into your yard at night "sleeping" with your girls!! That should cover that mystery.
So what is the general consensus on this guy? Is he a Phoenix, Silver Spangled Hamburg, or plain ole mutt? He seems to be the loose cannon in my flock at the moment.


And could he generate black legs?
Your black roo looks like a cross between a buttercup and an americana, and if that is the case, it would explain where the gray/blue/black legs are coming from. Maybe passed down from grandparent stock?
Believe me bubblebean, there ain't no way a strange roo is gonna get at my girls. They'd have to get past the fox in the back 40, the dogs in the front yard, and the goats in the coop basement. Not happenin'. My girls have only two roos to deal with.
Oooh! Bubblebean! Could I have Americauna stock? I'd be tickled beyond belief! I bought two hens ten years ago and a dog got them. One laid "seafoam" eggs and one laid "peach" eggs. I've wanted more ever since.
he second picture of the black roo to me looks like he might be crossed with dark cornish? Your white roo is not a phoenix, I can tell you that much. I'd have to say he's a "mutt", but he is just gorgeous!
Your roo is not even half way close to being a phoenix, neither is the hen. White phoenix are solid white, go to Boggy Bottom Bantams' website and look at his white phoenix. Those too and most of what you have are mutts. The "Golden laced Wyantottes " look more like GLW X Cornish crosses, or at least something crossed with dark Cornish, definitly not pure Wyandottes.

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