Homemade "DONUTS" - with pictures!

Here is the donut cutter I use. I probably paid $2 or $3 for it.


Thanks for sharing this recipe! I will definitely be trying it!

Question -

for the mashed potatoes - they should just be plain, boiled, mashed potatoes with nothing in them, right? I mean, when you make mashed potatoes for dinner, they would have things like salt, pepper, buttermilk/sourcream/creamcheese/milk/butter, potentially garlic, chives, chicken stock... a myriad of things. Clearly they shouldn't have garlic, chives, or chicken stock in them... but should they be totally plain?
The garlic, chives, etc. probably isn't a good idea. But mine always have butter, a little salt, pepper, and sour cream in them.
omg!! I just made these and they are awesome. Thanks for the recipe, I will be using it again and again.

ETA: My mashed potatoes had garlic in them and you can't tell.
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