Horse auction on Dish


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
While surfing, ran across this. They were selling wild mustangs. Most brought a whopping $200. Are they going for meat? Not into horses, but there were some pretty ones.
Well, technically they can't be sold for meat and technically they can't be sold without papers. Problem is most people don't care where their horses go after they get their money. Also, I have a Mustang that doesn't have papers, but he was a week away from dieing of starvation, so that doesn't count. I could rant about this stuff all day, but it's not a convo for BYC. So I won't.
Mustangs must go to pre-appoved adopters. once they are approved, and the facility OR their home/farm/ranch is approved then they can bid. Some go for more money if they have started under saddle, or are of a
rare or unusual color then they go for more money.
Also adopters can only adopt so many at any one time. They MUST keep them for 1 yr. and then their papers are given over. They cannot sell or give them away during that first year.
After that they are given ownership of the horse. And the papers are supposed to go with the horse, after that first year.

Razadia- thank you for rescuing your mustang. YOU could have turned those people in for starving that horse, and you can clip the hair where the freeze brand is take a good picture of it..
You may have a good chance of getting your horse's papers.


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