Hot weather!!?

Shade, shade and more shade. If you don't have trees and bushes, use shade cloth. High shade is better because it allows a breeze to flow.
Foot baths are good too.
Keep the drinking water from getting hot.
If your coop is still hot at night, you can hang frozen water jugs from the ceiling so they're at roost height so the chickens can sit next to them.
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Put frozen water bottles in the chicken waterer twice a day.

Put a stainless steel catch basin under the drain from your HVAC system. The water is always cool coming out of those things and in a humid environment you'll have LOTS of water.

Ensure your coop windows are high and as big as you can get them for cross breezes.


Chicken misters.

So far I've done/am doing all of those listed above with the exception of the chicken misters.

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