How big is a rooster's stomach?

I'm afraid I don't, but I was told at least 1/2 pint a day for hens. I'd go with between 300-500ml and see how he fairs. It's probably better to have a bit too much than too little.
If you are tubing him food mix, then I'd give about 30 - 40cc's into the croup, not stomach. See how that fills hims then go from their. Less is better as too much will over flow and aspirate him. I want to say 50 - 60cc was about normal for a large breed. Fluids I'd give 1/2 that .
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Thanks!!! That's exactly what I needed to know.

Right now I've just been giving him fluids by the tube, along with his medication. If I were to add some food, how would I do that? Mix his mash into water to make a liquid? How often would you recommend giving the amounts of fluids and food you suggested? ie, is the 30 to 40 cc the total amount per day?

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