How do we build a chicken coop in the San Francisco Bay area for out backyard four chicks?


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2019
Please advise on the basic requirements for chickens in our area. The temp goes from 100 degrees F max in Summer down to 20 Degrees F in Winter. We have a backyard and a designated 4/8 coop, already started. The husband is building and we have different ideas of "what chickens want.
Please advise asap!
They will have access to our garden with tomatoes, strawberries and some herbs. Nice set up. But we really don't know what the final thing should look like. I will attach photos of the building so far.
Chickens can easily stand the temperatures you stated, so you won't need insulation. I'll wait and see how far you have gotten on the coop to give advice. :)
They will have access to our garden with tomatoes, strawberries and some herbs.
They will tear up your garden, best to fence them out of it.

Welcome to BYC! @Paulapsbd
Looking forward to seeing what you've got started.
There are 3 articles linked in my signature, good reading for newbies.
Let me know if you can't see or open links.

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