How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5/14 yesterday
- though I am not 100% sure that is the actual total as DS did the egg gathering and didn't know to check under our broody to be sure no one had snuck eggs into her box (I've caught three eggs in there that didn't belong since she started setting)-she puts up a pretty good bluff and has him buffaloed, which is funny because she is all growl and fluff and no peck. Since he didn't gather until late last night I didn't want to go back out and disturb everyone, so next chance for me to check her nest will be this afternoon when I get home from work.
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I will probably give her some eggs to hatch. She's going to sit there anyway so I may as well get something out of her "work".
I'll have to figure out what to do for a feeder and waterer when they're three weeks old and I go away for the Thanksgiving weekend.
Eh, I'll figure something out.
11/14 - a great day! I also checked under Ms. Broody Britches and she only had the eggs she should have, so no one had hidden anything under her yesterday, apparently it was just a holiday for most of the flock.

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